Astagfirullah! Inilah 4 Tanda Kiamat yang Mulai Terjadi Saat Ini, Nomor 2 Sering Terjadi
Sebagai seorang muslim yang beriman, kita wajib mempercayai akan datangnya hari akhir (kiamat) yang merupakan rukun iman yang kelima. Saat ini kita hampir berada di akhir kehidupan dunia. Banyak sekali tanda-tanda yang dapat kita lihat, yang menunjukkan akan datangnya hari akhir. Sehingga, semestinya kita hendaklah terus memperbaiki iman kita dan mengharap kepada Allah untuk ditetapkan iman dalam hati dan digolongkan ke dalam orang-orang yang beriman dan beruntung.
Beberapa tanda-tanda tersebut dijelaskan dalam hadits Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wasallam, seperti berikut ini:
1. Ilmu agama akan berangsur-angsur hilang dari muka bumi ini, dengan meninggalnya para ulama
Dari Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash radhiallahu anhuma berkata, “Aku mendengar Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wasallam bersabda, ‘Bahwasanya Allah taala tidak akan mencabut (menghilangkan) ilmu dengan sekaligus dari (dada) manusia. Tetapi Allah ta’ala menghilangkan ilmu agama dengan mematikan para ulama. Maka apabila para ulama sudah tiada, orang ramai akan memilih orang-orang yang jahil sebagai pemimpin mereka. Maka apabila pemimpin jahil itu ditanya, mereka akan berfatwa tanpa ilmu pengetahuan. Lalu mereka sesat dan menyesatkan orang lain.’” (HR Muslim)
2. Merebaknya budaya korupsi dalam masyarakat
Dari Mu’az bin Jabal radhiallahu anhu berkata, “Aku telah mendengar Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wasallam bersabda, “Ambillah pemberian itu selama ia sebagai pemberian. Namun, apabila ia sudah menjadi suapan (rasywah, atau korupsi) pada pandangan agama, maka janganlah kamu mengambilnya. namun, kenyataannya kamu tidak akan dapat meninggalkannya, karena kamu takut fakir dan kamu sangat ingin mengambilnya.’” (HR At-Thabrani).
3. Umat Islam mengikuti jejak langkah Yahudi dan Nasrani
Dari Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri radhiallahu anhu, ia berkata, “Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wasallam bersabda, ‘Kamu akan mengikuti jejak langkah umat-umat sebelum kamu, sejengkal demi sejengkal, sehasta demi sehasta, sehingga jikalau mereka masuk ke lubang biawak sekalipun pasti kamu akan mengikuti mereka.’ Sahabat bertanya, ‘Ya Rasulallah, apakah Yahudi dan Nasrani yang engkau maksudkan?’, Nabi shallallahu alaihi wasallam menjawab, ‘Siapalagi kalau bukan mereka?’” (HR Muslim)
4. Zaman dimana manusia tidak lagi peduli pada sumber datang hartanya (halal atau haram)
Dari Abu Hurairah radhiallahu anhu, ia berkata, “Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wasallam bersabda, ‘Akan datang suatu zaman dimana seseorang tidak memperdulikan darimana ia mendapatkan harta, apakah dari sumber yang halal ataupun haram.’” (HR Nasai)
Demikian beberapa hadits Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wasallam, yang menerangkan tentang beberapa tanda yang menunjukkan telah mendekatnya hari akhir. Tanda-tanda tersebut semakin terlihat jelas pada masa kita sekarang ini, sehingga kita haruslah istiqamah dalam menjalani syariat agama Islam ini, dan terus memperbaiki iman dan ibadah kita. Kita juga haruslah senantiasa berdoa kepada Allah dan selalu mendekatkan diri pada-Nya, berharap untuk ditetapkan iman dan selalu berada di jalan-Nya hingga tibanya hari akhir nanti.
Wallahu a’lam.
There is no need to introduce Paris to most people. They know it is famous, and perhaps famous is an understatement. Paris is iconic as far as cities go and anyone who is serious about traveling goes to Paris for sure - it is on the list of many casual travelers as well. There's something about its quaint streets, its cozy cafes, sublime architecture, there's something living in the city which entices travelers towards it. Besides tourism, Paris is a major financial hub as well. For example in 2012, the Parisian region had a GDP of more than 685 billion dollars - this accounted for almost one third of France's entire GDP of that year. It is also among the top five wealthiest regions in Europe and the banking backbone of the country. The headquarters of 29 of the 31 companies in France which are ranked in the Fortune Global 500 have headquarters located in the capital. Thus asides from tourism it is a hub of business as well and thus attracts many business travelers each year. Here we review some of the best hotels for business travelers in Paris.
Le Royal Monceau Raffles Paris
Having gotten 800 reviews on TripAdvisor it still ranks 5 stars which is quite an achievement. This is evidence of its great service. It has an elegant and cozy interior which is designed by Philippe Starck. It also has the honor of housing the largest indoor pool (among hotels) in Paris at a length of 26 meters. You'll enjoy the cuisine offered at the fine Italian Restaurant or the traditional French food at La Cuisine. With an impressive Art Gallery, Library and a cinema to boot it has everything you can ask for. Lastly business centers with high speed internet access are also available for your all important business meetings.
Hotel de Crillon
This private residence turned hotel is located in the heart of the capital. Overlooking the crossroads of fashion and arts - the famous Place de la Concorde, the Hotel de Crillon offers discrete luxury. The interior is fashioned in masterful 18th century French fashion. Containing 147 guest rooms and suites, numerous bars, restaurants, a fitness center, several meeting rooms and business centers with internet access, this hotel with its quiet aura and comfort is one of the best in Paris. In addition it provides a shuttle service which will be convenient in getting to your business meetings.
Le Burgundy Paris
Located in the wings of the 'Golden Triangle' - the place where the rue Saint Honor meets the rue Duphot this hotel is chic and comfortable. There are 59 rooms and 8 suites, each a perfect blend of comfort and style. There are restaurants and bars as well as unique art to sample. Meeting rooms, a business center with high speed net access are available. It also has a Turkish bath called a Hamman so you may relax yourself after those tense business meetings. If you prefer a massage or a pool to lounge in, they are available at the Spa by Carita.
Renaissance Paris Arc de Triomphe Hotel
Having opened in 2009, this luxury 5 star hotel is only a little distance from the Arc de Tromphe and The Avenue des Champs -Élysées. It has a superb contemporary design and all the amenities you may require. It offers a stylish view of downtown Paris.
If you'll be traveling to Paris, be sure to check out the hotels named in this list of the best hotels in Paris.
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