Hidup Tanpa Sepasang Kaki, Kisah Petani Ini Menyentuh Hati
- Bagi setiap orang, kaki merupakan anggota badan yang sangat penting. Sayangnya, tidak semua orang bisa memiliki sepasang kaki yang sempurna. Beberapa orang terlahir tanpa sepasang kaki. Atau, beberapa orang lain harus rela kehilangan sepasang kakinya karena kecelakaan atau hal lainnya. Seperti yang dialami oleh kakek 60 tahun bernama Xi Tiangen asal Henan, China berikut ini.
Dikutip dari laman shanghaiist.com, nama kakek Xi sejak hari Selasa (25/04) menjadi perhatian pengguna sosial media Weibo di China. Apa yang membuatnya menarik perhatian? Jadi begini Ladies, kakek Xi adalah seorang penyandang difabel yang tak memiliki sepasang kaki.
Meski tak memiliki sepasang kaki, kakek Xi tak pernah patah semangat untuk bekerja dan mencari nafkah untuk menghidupi keluarga besarnya. Setiap hari, kakek Xi bekerja sebagai petani dan melakukan berbagai aktivitas seperti orang lain pada umumnya. Tentunya dengan segala keterbatasan yang ia punya.
Meski tak memiliki sepasang kaki, kakek Xi tak pernah patah semangat untuk bekerja dan mencari nafkah untuk menghidupi keluarga besarnya. Setiap hari, kakek Xi bekerja sebagai petani dan melakukan berbagai aktivitas seperti orang lain pada umumnya. Tentunya dengan segala keterbatasan yang ia punya.
Semangat dan kerja kerasnya inilah yang akhirnya membuat netizen tersentuh dan salut padanya. Kakek Xi sendiri kehilangan sepasang kakinya sejak 40 tahun yang lalu. Saat itu usianya masih 20 tahun. Ia mengalami sebuah kecelakaan yang membuat kedua kakinya diamputasi.
Kehilangan sepasang kaki di usia yang sangat muda awalnya membuat kakek Xi merasa putus asa. Beruntung, perlahan ia mulai menerimanya dengan lapang dada. Ia berusaha tetap menjadi pria mandiri walau fisiknya tak lagi sempurna. Selama hidupnya, kakek 60 tahun tersebut tak ingin merepotkan orang lain dan bergantung pada siapa pun.
Kehilangan sepasang kaki di usia yang sangat muda awalnya membuat kakek Xi merasa putus asa. Beruntung, perlahan ia mulai menerimanya dengan lapang dada. Ia berusaha tetap menjadi pria mandiri walau fisiknya tak lagi sempurna. Selama hidupnya, kakek 60 tahun tersebut tak ingin merepotkan orang lain dan bergantung pada siapa pun.
Daripada harus merepotkan orang lain, kakek Xi memilih hidup sendiri walau hidupnya sangat sederhana dan biasa-biasa saja. Ia akan bekerja sebagai petani untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya sehari-hari. Dan ia akan mengerjakan semua pekerjaan rumah sendiri agar tempat tinggalnya selalu bersih juga rapi.
Sumber :Vemale
Majority of web hosting Resellers offer cpanel to their customers and yet providing the very same solutions: chiefly CPanel web hosting services. cPanel Hosting can be done and put to use after attaining a license, which is a bit expensive. Most likely companies can afford the cost of license.
CPanel lacks the professional look expected, when compared with the various other control panel interfaces available in the market. Compared to the interfaces of several other control panels, the CPanel control panel is not very professional. Although it is easy to use, it can be viewed as too much of an 'eye candy' interface. Many web hosts and customers alike believe that more time could be spent developing new features for the control panel, than by creating a design which is not entirely professional, and in some cases, overdone.
Even the CPanel hosting price tags are identical. Very identical. Giving those in need of a top web hosting service almost no other web hosting platform/hosting CP alternative. Thus, there is just a single fact: out of thousands of web hosting companies around the world, the non-cPanel based ones are less than 3%!.
Unlike other control panels, CPanel is the most widely used in the web hosting industry. Thus, the competition between CPanel web hosts, and the market within is much more flooded than the markets of other control panels. A CPanel web host has much less of a chance of being chosen by a potential web hosting customer, than a company which uses other control panel
cPanel can not be considered the best because it is the most widely used, most common and most easily attack by hackers, there are many comparable control panels available on the market, and the term 'best' is simply a matter of opinion.
One major problem or drawback for using Cpanel is that more than 96% of thousands of different web hosting brand names all over the world will give you the very same CPanel web hosting CP and platform, branded differently, with precisely the same price tags!
One of the main criticism of cPanel stems from its default theme. It looks and feels outdated in 2014 but most admins are able to find a theme and change the interface to their liking.
The widespread usage also attracts an unusually large number of hackers. However, if you take necessary steps to protect your Apache, PHP and MySQL you can protect your server from most common and advanced attacks like DDoS and SQL injection.
However, cPanel can do the trick if you have just one single domain to host. But, if you have more domains, cpanel is not the best to use. To add more domains, you have to use add on software to add additional domain name which are very simple to erase on the hosting server, because they all are situated into the root folder of the default domain, which is the very well known public_html folder.
Another reason cpanel is not recommended is that the mail folder structure are all the same.
A cPanel license is also expensive compared to the competition at the moment. It is best suited for small and medium scale websites and isn't suitable for huge websites. The bug fix and exploit acknowledgement and resolution can also take a while. Overall support is great but the competition does a better job than cPanel in this segment.
Being vulnerable, cPanel is prone to attacks. It poses as a a security risk to content for its updating process time. It is usually an update process performed at night but any attack before updating can incur losses.
Cost of License: cPanel Hosting comes with an expensive license which is essential to operate cPanel.
Lack of professional look: As and when compare with other control panel interfaces available in the market, cPanel lacks the professional outlook.
Dr Olusola coker is A WebMaster General, Linux Server Administrator and A system Analyst. He is the chairman and CEO of Leonard Babs and co. You can try their server for free, No credit card needed visit http://www.hostleonard.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9713046