Jangan Pakai Celana D4lam Setelah Berhvbungan 1nt1m, Kenapa?
Berhubungan intim merupakan aktivitas yang umum dilakukan pasangan suami istri. Agar semakin dekat dengan pasangan baik secara fisik maupun emosional, melakukan hubungan intim memang diperlukan. Ada banyak manfaat yang didapatkan dari hubungan intim baik untuk kesehatan fisik maupun psikis.
Namun ladies, ada beberapa hal yang perlu dilakukan agar hubungan intim yang dilakukan bisa memberi kepuasan maksimal dan tetap menyehatkan. Hal tersebut mulai dari apa saja yang perlu disiapkan sebelum berhubungan, apa saja yang bisa dilakukan saat berhubungan dan apa saja yang harus dilakukan setelah berhubungan intim.
Melansir dari laman health.com, mengenai aktivitas setelah berhubungan intim, yang tak boleh ketinggalan adalah membersihkan organ intim. Jangan sampai membiarkan organ intim kamu maupun pasangan tetap lembab selepas berhubungan intim. Organ intim yang lembab akibat adanya cairan yang keluar selama berhubungan bisa menyebabkan tumbuhnya bakteri dan jamur yang berbahaya buat kesehatan.
Selelah apapun kamu maupun pasangan, usahakan agar tetap menjaga kebersihan bersama dan membersihkan organ intim. Membersihkan organ intim bisa dengan mencucinya kemudian mengeringkannya pakai tisu maupun handuk bersih. Setelah berhubungan intim, disarankan juga agar kamu tak memakai celana dalam. Ini agar organ intim bisa lebih nyaman dan sehat.
Jika pun tidak nyaman dengan tidak memakai celana dalam, kamu bisa menggunakan pakaian longgar seperti piyama. Tidak memakai celana dalam setelah berhubungan intim bisa membuat organ intim terasa lebih lega. Ini juga bisa membuat organ intim bernafas dengan baik dan mengurangi risiko organ intim gatal, lecet atau masalah sejenisnya.
Setelah melakukan hubungan intim, yang penting dilakukan lagi adalah buang air kecil, minum air putih dan membersihkan diri.
A web hosting service is a type of internet hosting service that allows interested individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. It is also a service that makes your website available to be viewed by others on the internet. A web host provides space on its server, so that other computers around the world can access your website by means of a network or modem. It is imperative to know the benefits of web hosting in order to enable business men to provide their customers with the right quality of amenities.
Web hosting service benefits
1. It cuts down costs: This is because the web hosting company usually employ people who will be dealing with any problem related to your website. What one needs to do is to pay for the services according to the agreement between him and the company hosting his/her website.
2. It's good for optimization: These days many prospective buyers owns a smartphone, tablet or a browser. The best website requires providing all the prospective visitors with a smooth ride of their choice of gadget. Expert web hosting services often cover for this kind of integrate-able optimization.
3. It helps to deliver ideas, products and services to the entire world using a well laid out web network.
4. It allows you to create the database which is simply indispensable for the online business owners.
5.It offers vital backups: If your server crashes, it's a clear disaster. But when hosted you don't lose everything as these services involve routine backups. These routine backups ensure that you get back everything that you had worked for. It is therefore more reliable than having a personal system.
6. It offers a service that gives you an e-mail account. This is attributed to the fact that it is an ideal way of establishing your professionalism and it also increases the level of customer reliability.
7. It keeps links checked. Dead links oftentimes deny website the juice it deserves. Additionally it leads to high bounce rates and minimal conversions. At the end of this leads to loses. But with web host, this is often minimized. This is because part of the host's job is to keep an eye on the links and to update them every time they die. This keeps website very active.
These are a few of the important and remarkable benefits of website hosting and there are many others which you can understand only after availing this service from an authentic and renowned provider. Finding website hosting that is reliable and inexpensive can save your company loads of money.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9746784