Kardus Paket Rusak, Pria Ini Memaki Kurir Pengantar

Pasangan suami istri asal Tabanan, Bali, mengamuk karena kardus paketnya sedikit robek di bagian atas. Karena itulah, dia menghina kurir yang mengantarkan paket tersebut. Beragam kata kasar dan makian mereka lontarkan kepada kurir yang hanya bisa pasrah itu.
Kurir itu sudah meminta kepada Wisnu untuk memeriksa apakah barang yang ada di dalam paket tersebut sudah hilang atau malah isinya tidak sesuai. Karena, robeknya paket itu mungkin bisa disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor yang kurir itu sendiri tidak tau.
Namun, Wisnu menolak karena paket yang diterimanya berada dalam kondisi robek. Kurir ini pun merasa dituduh sebagai pencuri dan hendak membawa paket itu kembali ke kantor.
Namun, tindakan ini malah membuat Wisnu semakin mencak-mencak. Dengan nada tinggi dia memaki kurir tersebut dan meminta kurir itu menelpon manajernya agar segera datang ke lokasi.
"Ini barang saya pak. Pengirimannya dari Bapak. Makanya Bapak diam di sini. Suruh manajer bapak ke sini," kata Wisnu sambil berteriak.
Pada akhirnya, Wisnu dan istrinya menerima paket itu dan menyiarkannya dalam siaran langsung. Saat dibuka ,isinya adalah mainan anak. Wisnu kemudian mengunggah video ini ke akun Facebooknya karena merasa diperlakukan tak pantas oleh kurir dan jasa pengiriman.
Namun, hal ini malah berubah menjadi bumerang karena justru Wisnu dan istrinya yang menjadi bulan-bulanan netizen lantaran sikapnya yang tidak sopan, apalagi ternyata barangnya tidak ada yang hilang sama sekali.
When it relates to vacationing there's so much to do and to choose that occasionally it might take months to plan everything out. A well paid plan is the begin to planning adventures in Paris.
In Paris, you have so many hotels to pick from. In addition, you have many studying trips to select from in Paris. Thus, you need to plan your adventures well. If you simply would like to hang in Paris and see what it needs to offer you, you still need to plan. What ever the instance perhaps you must do some planning so to do this you may wish to visit your local travel agent to watch what they can put forward you. The internet has a wide array of travel sites that can provide you images and facts to help you plan as well.
How to opt hotels:
Hotel sites are accessible internet. On the internet you will find a broad array of hotels. If you like to stay a few extra days in Paris nevertheless, you may want to view the list of apartments. According to sources on the internet, many tourists traveling to Paris are choosing apartments instead of hotels to reduce costs.
Most hotels provide you restaurants on site, Internet services, 24-hour day care on site, dry cleaning on site, a bowling alley, shopping stores, and more. Opting for the best hotels in Paris if you can afford it is optional, since you get the foremost amenities, accessibility and more. The smaller hotels proposal you now and again, Internet service and basic room services.
One of the hotels you may want to interpret in Paris is the Les Etangs de Corot. This hotel is near Versailles and in the midst of Paris. The hotel is small, so you might have to book ahead. You have a peaceful environment, which includes in-house bar, lift, eating place, paid parking, free parking, and more. The rooms offer you handicap equipment upon request, room service, color television, hairdryer, phone, alarm clock, safety deposit box, movie channel, air-conditioning, cable, mini-bar, private bath, coffee and tea. You have a newspaper tolerate in a hotel, as well as laundry service, iron/board, and so on. Pets can remain at this hotel.
The way to select discovering adventures in Paris:
You may wish to see what is offered to you as a discovering experiment in Paris. There's about 150 or more landmarks to decide from, including many museums. Monuments stretch out throughout the city as well.
The way to decide restaurants in Paris:
You will must determine what and where you would like to eat. There are many restaurants to select from and the majority of them are on the chief streets of Paris. They have everything you could like to eat. They have some restaurants that are classified as tea cafes, which are the areas that you are able to eat and run. The cafes serve tasty salads, delicious sandwiches and steamy tea. It depends if you are in haste or if you want to dine in a relaxing atmosphere.
How to select entertainment in Paris:
You may want go out on the town and do some dancing and have a few drinks in Paris after a long day of shopping, strolling, sightseeing and so on. You will have to choose on the type of environment you like. If you were a people watcher, perhaps you would like to visit the nightspots where everything goes.
To help you decide your spots in Paris, we recommend you visit the world wide web where you will view images and information that guides you in the path.
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