Kisah Haru Korban Pesawat Lion Air JT610 Yang Kirim Pesan Terakhir Pada Istrinya

Baru-baru ini Indonesia dihebohkan dengan berita jatuhnya pesawat Lion air. Dibalik kehebohan itu ada satu kisah menyedihkan yang dialami pasangan yang diketahui baru menikah beberapa minggu yang lalu.
Deryl Fida Febrianto (22) warga Simo Pomahan Baru 67, Simomulyo Baru, Sukomanunggal, Surabaya, tercatat sebagai korban pesawat Lion Air JT 610 Jakarta-Pakal Pinang. Istrinya, Lutfiyani Eka Putri (23) pun tidak mampu menyembunyikan tangis dan kesedihannya.
Diketahui, mereka sudah saling kenal sejak masih kecil. Saat itu keduanya sama-sama mengaji di satu musala setempat. Mereka tinggal satu gang di Simo Pomahan Baru 67, Simomulyo Barul. Meski tergolong tinggal bertetangga, mereka baru berpacaran 8 bulan.
Setelah itu, keduanya sepakat mengakhiri masa lajangnya 15 Oktober 2018. Sedang bahagia-bahagianya, Deryl dan Lutfiyani harus berpisah, karena pekerjaan. Deryl harus berangkat ke Jakarta, Rabu (17/10) karena mendapat panggilan pekerjaan pelayaran di Pakal Pinang.
Wajar saja, suami isteri yang sedang dimabuk asmara ini berhubungan intens via whatsapp dan videocall. Hingga pagi tadi sekitar pukul 06.00 WIB, komunikasi terakhir yang dilakukan pasangan muda tersebut.
"Tadi pagi WA-an sebentar, sempat bercanda dan bilang sudah di dalam pesawat, sebelum berangkat. Tadi pagi juga kirim foto dari dalam pesawat menggunakan masker. Dia mengatakan kalau pesannya tidak dibalas, berarti dia sudah berangkat," kata Lutfiyani dengan mata sembab saat ditemui wartawan di rumahnya, Senin (29/10/2018), seperti dilansir dari laman detikcom.
Selain itu, Lutfiyani juga sempat mempertanyakan rambut suaminya yang agak berantakan. "Kenapa rambutnya," tanya Lutfiyani. Deryl pun menjawab: "Kena angin pas di luar". Bahkan saat ditanya baju apa yang dipakai, Lutfiyani mengaku suaminya memakai baju tentara.
"Suami sempat kirim foto menggunakan masker dan memakai baju tak biasanya. Katanya pakai baju tentara," tambahnya.
Sementara itu, sebelum jadi korban pesawat Lion Air, jelas Lutfiyani, dirinya sempat bertemu suami dan bermimpi dicium keningnya.
"Saya bermimpi bertemu suami saya kemarin malam. Kening saya dicium. Setelah itu saya bangun dan telepon suami saya, katanya di mess. Apakah sudah bangun, katanya mau berangkat," kenang Lutfiyani.
Hingga kini, Lutfiyani pun berharap suami yang dikenal tidak pernah mengeluh dan periang ini, selamat dan ditemukan.
From it's beginning around 4200 BC; Paris the capital of France has grown from a few rocks and some dirt into one of the most popular tourist destinations of our time. Filled with art and culture everywhere that you turn this city of 12 million people receives an average of 49 million visitors over the span of 1 year. With 60% of those visitors being foreign tourists, comfortable sleeping accommodations are available through out the city.
Paris luxury hotels are well known for the list of services and amenities that they offer. Everyone can find accommodations that are pleasing to them in this European metropolis. The Hotel du Louvre located directly across from the famous Louvre Museum offers spacious rooms with six windows that reach from the floor to the ceiling offering fantastic views from each individual room. Available activities include Parisian shopping, museums and theater productions, as well as ice skating.
Another great choice for a luxury hotel in Paris is the Park Hyatt-Vendome. Located within walking distance of several famous attractions, this hotel on the Rue de la Paix offers exquisite elegance to each of their guests. The interior is furnished with deep wood grain and bronze, complemented by silk, Relax after a long day of sight seeing in your plush bed and energize your body with the stone enclosed rain shower on heated floors.
Located on the edge of Louis XIV's Royal Domaine, you will find yet another luxury hotel in Paris. While keeping with the old tradition of elegance this hotel has added some modern amenities that make it more pleasing to today's travelers. With it's contemporary design it still keeps a soft interior tone with contrasting colors against the beautiful dark wood.
Spa facilities are available along with a fitness center and high speed internet. A bonus for this Paris luxury hotel is that they do allow pets. Many people feel as though their pet is part of their family therefore they enjoy traveling with them.
The InterContinental Paris Le Grand is a different type of luxury hotel in Paris. This one is actually a luxury liner that is docked next to the famous Garnier Opera House, just steps away from tourist hot spots within the city. The spa on board offers you authentic sea treatments that will help you to relax your mind and your body. You will also be able to enjoy world famous French cuisine like none that you have ever tasted before.
Another recommendation for luxurious accommodations is the Hotel Montalembert. This historic hotel has sat in the middle of Paris since 1926. Surrounded by art galleries, this luxury hotel in Paris went through a renovation in 1990 allowing the hotel to offer contemporary suites with old world charm. You will find your spacious room filled with flat screen televisions and marble floors. Coupled with an in room mini bar and high peed internet access. You can relax in comfort while staying connected.
Visiting Paris anytime of year can be quite a memorable experience for anyone. Enhance your memories with a stay in a Paris luxury hotel.
Mike Greaves is a self-made entrepreneur, a well known travel consultant and internet marketer. Over the years he has travelled across the world and has numerous writings credited to his name in many renowned publications. His areas of writing include travel experiences including reviews of Paris Luxury Hotels, Ski Resorts and luxury hotels.
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