Perjuangan Fatta Sekolah Sambil Momong Adik
Menuntut ilmu di bangku sekolah merupakan hak setiap siswa. Tapi, kadang kenyataan yang terjadi tidak seperti dalam bayangan. Seperti dialami bocah kelas V sekolah dasar (SD) di Sampang, Madura. Bocah laki-laki tersebut harus mengasuh adiknya saat berada di kelas. Perjuangannya mengasuh sang adik sambil menuntut ilmu mendapat apresiasi setelah viral di media sosial.
Kisah bocah laki-laki yang bernama Fatta itu dibagikan oleh gurunya melalui akun Facebook Leendya Putry Kurniawati, Kamis (4/10/2018). Dia mengunggah foto Fatta yang berseragam merah putih tengah menggendong sang adik di kelas. Dia amat terharu melihat perjuangan Fatta menuntut ilmu meski harus mengasuh adiknya.
"Kenyataan tak menurunkan harapan. Muridku ini selalu bawa adiknya ke sekolah. Alhamdulillah enggak pernah rewel dalam kelas. Tak ingin menyalahkan siapapun. Hanya bisa termenung saat menunggu anak-anak mengerjakan tugas yang kuberikan. Umur segini udah bisa manage kehidupan. Momong adiknya sambil mencari ilmu," tulis Leendya Putry Kurniawati sebagai keterangan foto.
Fatta membawa adiknya ke sekolah karena orang tuanya sibuk bekerja. Dia tetap ingin sekolah dan menjalankan tugas menjaga adiknya. Akhirnya, dia pun membawa sang adik ikut ke sekolah. Di saat teman-temannya bermain, dia sibuk menimang sang adik.
"Kalau dilarang bawa adik ke sekolah, pasti si anak tidak datang ke sekolah. Karena nunggu adiknya di rumah. Karena orang tuanya kerja. Yang dipikirannya saat kutanya hanya ingin bersekolah dan jaga adik. Jadi, masih beruntung mau datang bersekolah," sambung Leendya Putry Kurniawati.
"Foto kuambil saat istirahat. Teman-teman lainnya sibuk bermain. Tapi, dia mencoba menidurkan adiknya dengan menimang," tutup Leendya Putry Kurniawati.
Kisah Fatta yang sangat menginspirasi itu membuat warganet terharu. Mereka sangat terharu melihat perjuangan Fatta dalam menuntut ilmu. "Subhanallah, semoga kelak kamu sukses ya nak," komentar Ernita Ningsih.
"Subhanallah, mulia banget hatimu kak. Keberuntungan selalu buatmu kakak," imbuh Nur Rahmawati.
"Enggak bisa ngomong lagi. Doaku semoga anakku ini besok menjadi orang sukses," lanjut Annisa Haryati.
Technology has jumped leaps and bounds in the last decade, and data has come of prime importance for corporates to work their magic, but they still need the magical wand to accomplish this. Well they have got it, web hosts from around the world are in a frenzy to deliver state of the art infrastructure for SMB's and large scale industries to host their data, and this has come in the form of VPS and cloud hosting.
Well, everybody's heard of computers, hard-drives, etc. to store and execute data and run different programs on it, storing data on the web comes with the basics of VPS that involve the technique of virtualisation that means dividing a single server into multiple servers. Virtual servers host data with other data that is saved on other partitions of the server. In this kind of hosting, resources are shared with data of other clients on that server. This kind of server technology is good for businesses that do not have a lot of data or high spikes in traffic.
VPS servers are the easiest and cheapest way to host data on the web, hosting on VPS renders clients to upload their data, track visitor stats, create new accounts, and work with their personal information like username, passwords, so o and so forth. Clients looking out for Linux or Windows VPS should look at the amount of storage, bandwidth, control over data and personal information, systems support for scripts and databases, ability to install applications seamlessly, create email accounts and much more.
The next step of virtualisation is cloud computing, this technology delivers shared resources to clients on-demand, cloud servers and VPS deliver flexibility, performance, saves capital cost, and much more. Hosting data on the cloud is the modern wave of virtualisation technology as it renders full virtualisation, state of the art management, optimisation of resources, and enhanced automation.
Virtual Private Servers deliver single and independent solutions at lower costs to smaller companies, the cloud VPS also called as Infrastructure-as-a-service deliver managed infrastructure in the form of virtual instances, these components can include capacity, storage, RAM, Processing Power and lots more, clients are given the option to select their own operating system like Windows and Linux, a virtual private cloud or virtual private data center is virtually partitioned from a large cloud setup through a VLAN and is maintained by service providers.
A virtual private cloud is said to be an amalgamation of cloud computing with a virtual private network in place. A virtual private cloud is derived from interconnecting cloud resources with enterprise sites and VPN's. Therefore cloud computing or cloud hosting is the new wave of the future by providing flexible and on-demand resources, global clients are using this technology seamlessly across various platforms and will continue to do so in the future. This is where cloud hosts are working day in and day out to deliver state of the art services to clients all around the world.
The technology of Virtual Private Servers has been opportunistic for businesses to garner maximum ROI, reduce overhead costs, host data in a flexible manner over the cloud and remain scalable at all times.
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