Tepergok Ditiduri Brigadir H, Istri Pak Kades Ngaku Dihipnotis
Brigadir H, oknum polisi Babinkambtibnas Dusun Rantau Pandan, harus berurusan dengan rekan seprofesinya, yakni Propam Polres Bungo, Jambi, akibat perilaku asusila.
Ia dilaporkan oleh Rio Dusun Rantau Pandan, Kurniadi (45), karena telah meniduri istrinya, Rabu (10/10/2018).
Kurniadi menceritakan, kejadian ini sudah berlangsung sekitar sebulan yang lalu. Namun, istrinya Khodijah (30) baru mengakui perbuatannya bersama H dari tiga hari yang lalu. Sebelumnya Khodijah masih berusaha untuk menutupi perbuatannya.
”Memang benar, Brigadir H sudah meniduri istri saya. Hari ini saya sudah membuat laporan ke Propam Polres Bungo. Tadi saya dan juga istri juga sudah diperiksa, katanya dua hari lagi baru beritahu hasil Berita Acara Perkaranya ,” ucap Kurniadi seperti diberitakan Serujambi—jaringan Suara.com.
Ia mengatakan, aksi bejat pelaku ini dilakukannya sebanyak satu kali. Pelaku melancarkan aksinya di rumah Kurniadi sendiri. Kala itu, Kurniadi sedang pergi ke kebun, dan anaknya sedang pergi sekolah.
“Awalnya istri saya sempat berkilah, ia mengaku dihipnotis. Tapi setelah saya suruh jujur, barulah ia mengaku sudah berhubungan badan. Alasannya ia selalu dirayu oleh Brigadir H dari tiga bulan lalu ,” jelasnya.
Kurniadi mengatakan, Brigadir H sendiri sudah mengakui perbuatannya. Ia meminta maaf atas perbuatannya. Selain itu, ia juga meminta agar Kurniadi tidak melaporkan kejadian ini pada propam Polres Bungo.
“Secara adatnya sudah kami lakukan, ia dijatuhi sanksi hutang dan cuci kampung. Tapi tidak cukup itu saja, saya juga minta diproses secara hukum, kami meminta agar Brigadir H dipecat dari anggota polisi ,” tutupnya.
RackSpace has been in the "cloud" hosting market since it became a big deal in the late 90's. Founded in 1998, it has revenues upwards of $1.1bn.
DigitalOcean is much younger, but has a much narrower scope to its service - catering specifically to developers who want to provision cloud VPS servers. Founded in 2011, DO has risen to become one of the largest hosting providers in the world.
Whilst both companies work extremely well, with very high levels of uptime and support - they still have one major problem; they can be quite complicated to consider which one you should be using.
The simple answer is that if you're looking at an "inexpensive" hosting infrastructure, you'll want to look into DigitalOcean. If your needs are more expansive, RackSpace is by far more effective.
RackSpace's core focus is on its "fanatical support" - they charge accordingly, and are generally a more "expensive" proposition than DigitalOcean. DO doesn't offer as such granular support (although their support system is very responsive) - it does provide a highly effective service for a very inexpensive price.
You can spin up a VPS on DigitalOcean for $5/mo, RackSpace starts at least $50/mo. This doesn't denote anything about their service levels - it's indicative of the type of buyer each is targeting. RS is typically focused on the more institutionalized customer, DigitalOcean the more price-conscious.
To this end, when looking at either service provider, you're basically getting the same technology provision (RackSpace uses its "Public Cloud" whilst DigitalOcean only has one type of service) - the difference lies in how you're able to manage the software installed on the servers, or the level of support you're able to receive to help you do this.
This is the predominant difference between the two services - RackSpace are predominantly a "service" company; providing as much support as possible, with dedicated 24/7 live chat and other innovations. DigitalOcean just provides the bare infrastructure. Again, there's not much difference in the core operation of each system - the main alternation comes from the way in which company manages your underlying infrastructure.
We've found that RackSpace is typically catered to larger businesses who may not have much technical know-how. They may be working with a developer who requires scalability and other important facets of a "cloud" hosting service. DigitalOcean is focused on either individual developers, or small teams who value agility over longevity.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9911732