Bocah 8 Tahun Dibully, Dipaksa Minum Air Kencing dan Dibakar Hidup-Hidup Oleh Temannya Sh4re Agar Orang Tua Waspada,,

SEORANG anak berinisial MAS berusia delapan tahun, menjadi korban persekusi oleh teman bermainnya, di Jalan Masjid Pam Beting Semelur tepatnya di belakang Masjid Nurul Jalal, Kota Tanjungbalai, sumatera utara , Selasa (06/11) kemarin.
Melansir Yuni Rusmini, lorban disuruh menenggak air kencing temannya, kaki kiri korban juga mengalami luka bakar setelah di siram bensin dan di sulut api saat bermain.
Bocah laki-laki berinisial MAS ini terus meringis kesakitan di rumah mungil sewaan keluarganya. Ini merupakan hari pertama MAS di rawat dirumahnya, setelah Rabu (07/11) ia sempat menjalani perawatan di RS Djoelham Tanjungbalai, akibat luka bakar di kakinya.
Kejadian persekusi ini bermula, saat Selasa (06/11) petang lalu, MAS sedang bermain bersama tiga orang temannya yang berusia sekitar 10 tahun. MAS di suruh untuk minum air kencing dari dalam botol mineral oleh temannya. Kendati ia menolak, korban tetap diperdaya ketiga temannya dengan menyebut isi botol air mineral itu adalah teh manis.
Setelah menenggak kencing temannya itu, MAS ditertawai oleh dua orang temannya yang sedari tadi menonton.
Tidak berhenti sampai disitu, pelaku yang menyuruh MAS meminum air kencingnya juga menyiramkan bahan bakar dari botol bensin yang dipegang korban. Celakanya, setelah disiram menggunakan bahan bakar, pelaku lalu menyulut api ke celana korban.
Kontan hal itu, membuat korban panik dan kesibukan bukan kepalang untuk memadamkan api tersebut.
Ibu MAS, URA mengatakan kejadian pembullyan yang dialami anaknya bukan baru kali ini terjadi. Sebelumnya pernah badannya hingga lebam biru.
“Ini awalnya dia di bully suruh minum air kencing. Terus sesudah disuruh minum air kencing celananya dibakar. Karena MAS sedang memegang botol bensin, karena kepanasan dilepaskan botol ditangannya itu dan tumpah serta menyambar semua ke kaki kirinya,” kata URA.
“Anak yang bakar ini kurang lebih berumur 10 tahun, saya tidak terlalu kenal. Dan laporan telah diterima kemarin pukul 17.00 WIB,” sambungnya.
Sementara itu, MAS menceritakan bahwa ia saat itu sedang bermain dan awalnya dipaksa untuk meminum air kencing yang dibilang teh manis hingga akhirnya kaki kirinya dibakar.
“Di bilang dia waktu itu, minum-minum. Itu enak teh manis. Terus awak teriak bilang Mak tolong aku,” kata MAS.
When looking into going to Paris, there are many places to see and lots of things that can be done while in Paris. You can look up all the places you want to see and make a check list or you can use a Paris Vacation Package, either way you will find plenty to do in Paris while you are there.
There is the Paris Island Vacation Package, where the package will include the hotel stay, travel to get there, most of your meals and all your activities you want to do while on the island. Where you can stay on the beach and visit all the different local attractions on the Island. These packages will cost a little more than you probably want to spend, but they nearly include everything you will need while you are in France.
There are many museums to visit while in Paris such as the Musee D'Orsay which has the largest collection of impressionist paintings you will find under one roof. Then there is the Rodin Museum which house the "Thinker", all of these places will be awesome to see while in Paris and a must on your to do list.
There are over forty million places to eat while you're staying in Paris. Some of the most famous restaurants you will want to visit are the Gourmet Restaurant, the French Bistrots, and many of the cafes you will find along the streets of Paris. You will not want to miss out on these places to eat because they have beauty and the history of France in them.
When looking for a place to stay in Paris you will have plenty of places to pick from because there are over one thousand and four hundred and fifty places to stay. You will find cheap hotels all the way up to the extremely expensive hotels. You will want to find a cheap hotel near all the restaurants and entertainment places you want to visit, that way you will not have to walk very far, or worry about transportation while in Paris. Many of the hotels here in Paris are historical and charming, so you will not be disappointed with were you choose to stay.
There is so many things to do and see in Paris make sure you plan enough time to spend at each one of the famous buildings and eat at the local cafes to learn about their history and culture.
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