Guru Hukum Belasan Muridnya dengan Merokok, di Mana Edukasinya?
Di Indonesia sudah banyak kejadian guru yang memberikan sanksi untuk muridnya dengan cara nyeleneh bin ajaib. Salah satunya pernah terjadi bahwa sang guru menghukum muridnya dengan cara menjilat wc. Sontak hal ini membuat semua orang protes lantaran sanksinya yang tak mendidik. Bahkan kemungkinan besar si murid akan trauma untuk bersekolah.
Nah, lain lagi dengan hukuman dari guru asal Kabupaten Sukabumi ini. Menangkap basah muridnya merokok, guru ini bukannya menegur dengan tegas sambil memberikan arahan. Melainkan menyuruh murid-murid tersebut menghabiskan rokok di depan guru dan teman-temannya. Tanpa canggung, sebelas anak itu langsung menghisap rokoknya dengan santai tanpa peduli tertawaan dari teman-temannya.
Awalnya, kelakuan murid-murid tadi hanya diketahui kalangan warga sekolah saja. Tapi sang guru sengaja mendokumentasikan perbuatan ini untuk diberikan kepada masing-masing orangtuanya. Seperti yang sudah bisa diduga, video tersebut menyebar viral ke segala penjuru media sosial. Dampaknya salah satu dari orangtua murid langsung mendatangi sekolah untuk mengecam tindakan sang guru. Bahkan Menteri Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak turun tangan untuk menegur instansi pendidikan terkait.
Cukup miris melihat fenomena yang terjadi di SD Negeri Kecamatan Cibadak, Sukabumi ini. Ya bagaimana tidak, murid yang bisa dibilang masih bocah ingusan sudah menikmati rokok. Ya, menikmati. Kalau Sahabat Boombastis perhatikan dari video yang ada, anak-anak ini benar-benar tidak ada rasa rikuh atau canggung merokok di depan orang dewasa. Sebenarnya ini merupakan gambaran kalau bisa jadi, sang anak sendiri sudah ‘dibiasakan’ dengan pemandangan dan perilaku merokok.
Kalau sudah begini, banyak di antara kita yang mungkin gregetan, “Ih orang tuanya ke mana sih? Pasti orang tuanya kurang perhatian atau ngerokok juga.” Tapi, sebelum berpendapat seperti itu, kita perlu meneropong dari berbagai sisi, dari mana anak-anak tersebut melihat cara merokok. Seperti kita tahu, saat ini rokok sudah jadi bagian hidup 84 juta jiwa lebih warga Indonesia.
Anak itu sifatnya meniru dan menyerap seperti spons. Mereka bisa melihat dari lingkungan sekitar seperti tetangga atau saudaranya. Atau bisa juga anak-anak tersebut menonton video atau film yang ada hubungannya dengan merokok. Ya kalian tahu sendiri lah anak zaman nowlebih hebat dari kita-kita yang generasinya sudah di atas millenial alias 90an. Dari kecil saja sudah diberikan ponsel, sedangkan kita di tahun 2000an aja masih pegang Komik Siksa Neraka.
Lalu, kita beralih ke sisi gurunya. Hmm.. untuk peristiwa ini memang bisa memicu kontra lantaran hukumannya yang tidak pantas. Bisa jadi maksud dari sang guru adalah supaya si murid kapok karena menghisap rokok itu tidak ada nikmat-nikmatnya. Ada sih jenis punishmentperilaku yang seperti ini, tapi sepertinya belum cukup bijak untuk kasus anak-anak di bawah umur.
Jadi, alangkah lebih baiknya guru dari awal tidak memberikan hukuman dengan cara seperti itu. Bisa dengan menyuruh mengerjakan tugas, berdiri di depan kelas atau memanggil orangtua dari masing-masing murid. Hukuman seperti itu dianggap efektif dan bisa membuat si anak-anak jera karena ada keterlibatan langsung dari orangtuanya. Namun yang tidak boleh dilupakan adalah arahan dari orang dewasa yang membimbing (orang tua, pendidik, pengasuh, dan sebagainya). Ketika anak diberi pemahaman, mereka akan mengerti kenapa suatu hal itu boleh dan enggak boleh dilakukan.
Pada intinya, memberlakukan hukuman itu sebaiknya ada dasarnya dan dipikir dengan bijaksana, akan seperti apa dampaknya. Bukan sekedar kasih jera, jangan-jangan malah membuat sang murid lebih lihai dalam menghisap rokok atau trauma. Ada banyak jenis hukuman yang mendidik. Semoga kasus ini jangan sampai terulang lagi dan mari jadi pembimbing bagi generasi muda di sekitar kita ya, Sahabat Boombastis.
Many visitors to Paris have thought of Parisians as rude in nature especially the waiters at a Paris restaurant. Due to the cultural differences, Parisian follow different etiquette, and travelers often think them rude. This article deals with cultural differences in France that might be helpful to change your belief regarding restaurant staff and other Parisians in general.
Language as the main barrier
Though English is a language spoken all over the globe, there are many people in France who still speak and understand their mother tongue only i.e. French. Just imagine if someone outside your country with a different language visits your place then in what language you will communicate him with. Of course in your mother tongue isn't it? The same happens with French people too. When an outsider visit their place they naturally start with French and if they are not able to catch the language you speak, they might appear to you neglecting or rude or as you think them so.
And you will be more than surprised to know that same people who found Parisians rude are usually the ones whom the French people themselves considered as unbearably objectionable. So it is not the rudeness in the behaviour but the cultural difference on both the ends.
I do not say that you would not find any rude person in Paris. Of course there are but many times it happens that due to our cultural differences what seems rude to us might be considered decency somewhere else. Let us know some general etiquette in Paris.
General etiquette
One thing which French are very adamant is exchanging greetings at first meeting. It is considered ill-mannered if you begin interacting with a person without exchanging greetings first. Regardless of whom you meet or where you go, you must first greet the person without beginning the conversation.
Restaurant etiquette in Paris
Generally if you work with some hospitality industry, like hotels or restaurants, you need to be polite and show respect to the ones who come to you. People at service in Paris know their job well. If you are visiting the city for the first time then you must know some restaurant etiquette.
o People in Paris take their meals seriously. When visiting a restaurant, you must be dressed properly and show warmth in you body-language.
o The moment you enter a restaurant, you are likely to be welcomed with "Bon Jour" which means "Good Morning".
o In Paris if it takes a lot of time for waiters to take the order, it does not mean, they are ignoring you. In French culture and customs, it means that they expect you to be comfortable and stay for longer period of time. In fact they would also not come quickly to clear your table when you are done with meals.
o Once you are served with the chosen order or meals, do not expect the waiter to visit at your table frequently. As per French customs, it is considered impolite if a waiter disturbs you during meals.
o Rather a waiter in Paris is expected to know-how to check on your table with just a quick glance or from afar. Coming in-between the meals is considered as pestering and disturbing the customers. Paris restaurants are very professional. They do an excellent job and feel proud not to disturb you in-between asking about the services or keeping a check on your plate. So, when in France, do not expect your waiter to come in between and enquire if everything is fine.
o After finishing your meals, never expect that the waiter would bring the bill quickly. As in French customs it is considered impolite as it shows that you want the customers to leave the restaurant fast. However, if you are visiting a cafe for a cup of coffee then the waiter might place the bill on your table right away.
o While communicating with waiters you will notice an unspoken code in French culture and customs. To call a waiter or get his attention, what you can do is develop an eye contact with him and raise your hand or index finger. If you want to rush quickly then make yourself more visible to your waiter by "hand-talking" i.e. making gestures to bring the bill.
o Do not ever try to speed up things at your end or the restaurant staff would think that they are not doing their job well.
o As mentioned earlier, language may be a problem in Paris but it will be more annoying if you assume that the waiter at a hotel understands English and start with him in English. Though he might have the basic knowledge of English, he would be miffed if you start with him in a foreign language. So if you learn a few introductory words in French and use them at restaurant, you will make a good impression there.
o Like many places in world, waiters in Paris do not run for tips.
Whatever profession they are in, most Parisians respect their profession and do their job very well. No wonder you hardly notice any fake smile to win your heart, so do not take it as rudeness. Rather learn a few etiquettes and enjoy the warm hospitality of the Parisians.
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