Hindari Gonta-ganti Kartu SIM, Sebelum 5 Hal Mengerikan Ini Merusak Ponselmu Share agar banyak Yang Mengetahuinya,,

Zaman sekarang, internet menjadi kebutuhan yang paling diutamakan untuk setiap orang. Dengan begitu, semua operator berlomba-lomba untuk menyediakan kartu perdana harga murah disertai kuota yang melimpah. Sehingga para pengguna internet sekarang rela untuk berganti kartu SIM setiap kuotanya ludes. Padahal, berganti kartu perdana terlalu sering itu enggak baik lho Sahabat Boom.
Pasti kalian bertanya-tanya kenapa berganti nomor itu tidak baik. Sebenarnya, dampaknya bukan ke penggunanya kok Sahabat Boom. Efeknya lebih ke ponsel kesayangan kita. Seperti di bawah ini contoh akibat keseringan ganti-ganti kartu perdana.
1. Dudukan kartu bisa mengalami kerusakan

2. Kartu SIM enggak bisa terbaca di ponsel

3. Ponsel juga akan lebih sering restart sendiri

4. Baterai juga bakal kena dampaknya

5. Kartu SIM juga mengalami kerusakan lain

Itulah dampak buruk yang terjadi jika kita terlalu sering ganti kartu Sahabat Boom. Memang sih efeknya tidak ke diri kita secara langsung, tapi enggak mau juga kan ganti ponsel hanya karena masalah tersebut? Jadi, sebisa mungkin hindari berganti kartu terlalu sering ya. Karena ini demi keawetan handphone juga, biar kita tidak sampai merogoh kocek lebih dalam lagi.
Staying in a Paris boutique hotel is a comforting feeling. It can make you feel at home, like you truly belong in Paris, the City of Lights. Not for you the traditional tourist fare - you will feel special and part of this extraordinary city that has so much to offer. It can provide you with such a wide range of experiences you could never see them all in your lifetime. So, why not think thematically? Make this visit to Paris a truly literary affair.
Theatres and Museums
Perhaps the best way to start your literary tour of the city is to begin from your Paris boutique hotel and head to the Musée de la Vie Romantique. It will give you a brief glimpse of the French Romantic period. The venue was home to artist Ary Scheffer and his nephew, author Ernest Renan, and they turned it into a museum celebrating their own lives and those of their friends. This included such notables as Delacroix, Chopin and George Sand.
From here, you can forge on to visit any of the many museums celebrating the lives of the great writers of Paris and France. Why not call at the Maison de Victor Hugo. This museum is in the former Hôtel de Rohan-Guéménee. Hugo lived on the second floor here for two years, and his former apartment now reveals various aspects of his tumultuous life, including various memorabilia and reconstructions.
Another house that celebrates its former tenant is the Maison de Balzac - once the home of the famed author. He rented it under the pseudonym, Monsieur de Breugnol. Here, you can view several of his personal effects, including a writing desk.
If you think French literature is predominantly gloomy, you need to attend a production at the Comédie-Francaise. Leave the comfort of your Paris boutique hotel for an evening to catch a glimpse of the comedic genius of Moliere, whose work is performed here.
Final Resting Places
On a sunny day, set off from your Paris boutique hotel to catch a glimpse of your own mortality. Wander through the cemeteries and churches that host the greats, and near greats, of history who have passed.
The Panthéon began life as a church but became a "temple to the nation" during the Revolution. You can view the final resting places of Voltaire, Alexandre Dumas, Victor Hugo, Émile Zola, Victor Hugo and others. If you would rather spend the day outdoors, you can go to Cimetière Montparnasse to see the tombs and headstones of Baudelaire, Guy de Maupassant, Simone de bouvoir, Jean Paul Sartre and Samuel Beckett. Alterntaively you can head to Cimetière Montmartre, wherein lies Stendal and Alexandre Dumas. Meanwhile, Père-Lachaise is the final home of some of the country's greatest literary figures. Here, you can view the tombs and plots of Molière, Honoré de Balzac, Marcel Proust, Oscar Wilde, Gertrude Stein and Richard Wright.
Restaurants and Cafés
After making your pilgrimage to the final homes of some of France's greatest literary figures, why not stop in one of their favourite eateries or bars to celebrate their life. Make a toast to Hemingway and Scott Fitzgerald in the Hemingway Bar; alternatively, you can evoke the ghost of Samuel Beckett at La Bastide Odéon or drink to Oscar Wilde and Macrel Proust at Brasserie Lipp, or to Camus, and Sartre at Café de Flore.
In the evening, you may want to dine at Le Dôme before heading back to your Paris boutique hotel. Now an exclusive restaurant, it was once home to a cafe much frequented by Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. The next morning, you can start the day off with a visit to the most famous literary café in Paris. The Café de la Paix was once frequented by such literary stars as Zola, de Maupassant, Oscar Wilde and Ernest Hemingway.
Looking for a Paris boutique hotel? Roberta Stuart is the Travel Manager for World Hotels, a company offering the best rooms at a Paris boutique hotel and a selection of unique and four and five star hotels around the world.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Roberta_Stuart/784997
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