Mahasiwi Difabel dan Ibunya Tiap Hari Tempuh 15 Kilometer untuk Berkuliah Simak Videonya,,,
Anisa tampak paling mungil di tengah kerumunan mahasiswa yang tengah asyik berdiskusi dengan sejumlah jurnalis. Mahasiswa difabel ini duduk lesehan di barisan paling depan.
Saat sesi tanya jawab, dengan percaya diri, ia mengungkap bahwa keinginan terbesarnya adalah menjadi seorang penulis. Tepatnya, menulis puisi atau sastrawan.
Hanya saja, ia belum mendapati ada komunitas atau ruang untuk mengeksplorasi hobinya itu. Karenanya, bertahun-tahun, sejak SMP dulu, ia mencoretkan puisinya di lembaran kertas, komputer atau ponsel.
Maklum, rumah dan lingkungannya benar-benar jauh dari perkotaan. Gadis bernama lengkap Anisa Rizkiani Wulandari ini tinggal di Dusun Rambutpala RT 1 RW 7 Desa Sadabumi Kecamatan Majenang.
Dari tempat kuliahnya sekarang di STMIK Komputama Majenang, desanya berjarak sekitar 15 kilometer dengan medan menanjak tajam. Dan itu dilakukannya selama tujuh tahun terakhir, sejak kelas 1 SMP. Satu-satunya angkutan yang beroperasi adalah pikap.
Kemampuannya yang berbeda atau difabel tak membuat semangatnya luntur. Semangat belajarnya hingga perguruan tinggi pantas diacungi dua jempol.
Ia merasa beruntung. Hari itu, ia bertemu dengan jurnalis media online, cetak, televisi dan radio sekaligus. Seluruhnya adalah para wartawan media nasional dan lokal yang bertugas di area Banyumas Raya.
"Saya ingin agar karya saya bisa dipublikasikan. Saya ingin menerbitkan buku kumpulan puisi," ucapnya, Sabtu 20 Oktober 2018.
Karyanya, sebagian besar adalah curahan hati. Namun, ada pula puisi untuk memotivasi diri dan orang lain yang ditakdirkan difabel seperti dirinya.
Diskusi usai. Satu per satu, teman-temannya beranjak. Sejurus dengan itu, seorang wanita setengah baya mendekat ke arah Anisa. Ia adalah Teti Rohayati (42) ibunda Anisa.
Bagi Teti, Anisa yang difabel tak membuatnya berkecil hati. Ia justru terus mendorong anak kesayangannya ini untuk menggapai cita-citanya.
Saksikan video pilihan berikut ini:
When traveling to Paris you have expectations of what you are going to expect. Never did you think a city would be able to go above all your expectations like this one did! There are many beautiful gardens with statues, monuments that are not only beautiful during the day but gorgeous at night all lit up, museums and then there is the famous cuisine being offered at some of the finest restaurants.
At the Louvre museum you will find many hand carved statues greeting you as you walk up the stairs. On the inside there is so much to walk around and see. The Egyptian antiquities have a collection from the Pharaonic period and you can see Tutankhamun and his Successors. The room is well lit and you will actual feel like you are walking back in time when you walk through the doors. The museum is massive and it could take you a couple of days to see what all is being offered for viewing.
There is a hotel near by so you will not lose any valuable time getting to the museum. Le Bristol Hotel Paris will amaze you just like the museum will. The rooms are spacious and have a desk for your laptop. The laptop will be able to receive Wi-Fi so you can plan how you want to spend your time in Paris. You will get a good nights rest in the comfortable beds.
Le Bristol Hotel knows guests like two things, good cuisine and having impeccable service. For excellent food you have to go to the winter restaurant. It is a very relaxing setting with many paintings on the wall for viewing. There are fresh plants sat around that add just the right touch. The food just melts in your mouth and is arranged very nice on the plates. The waiters are very polite and are eager to make sure you are enjoying the food.
If you like opera and want to catch a beautiful ballet then head to the Paris Opera Garnier. It is located within walking distance from the Le Bristol Hotel. The Opera Garnier looks like a palace on the outside with its high pillars and dome green roof. On the inside there are Chagall paintings on the ceiling with an Italian hall. This is one stunning Opera house that will leave you in awe with the performance as well.
The Tuileries garden is close to the Le Bristol Hotel also. This is a very romantic garden for strolling around in. There are many colorful flowers sitting nicely on the greens. There are statues for viewing with detailed descriptions on them. After you are done walking and enjoying the sites of the garden walk down to the water and you will find chairs waiting for you. You can sit here and watch the birds land on the water, listen to the waters small waves lap on the cement or you can get lost in the fountain that is running out in the middle. This is the perfect way to relax after a long day.
John is an experienced traveler and loves his Paris vacations. To learn more about Paris vacations as well as Bristol Hotel Paris [] check out his vacation website on
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