Pamer Cium Suami, Maia Estianty Sebut 4 Persamaan Irwan Mussry Dan Ahmad Dha

Maia Estianty terlihat bahagia saat foto dirinya sedang mencium kepala sang suami, Irwan Mussry ditampilkan dalam gelaran Silet Awards 2018, Senin (12/11/2018).
Potret mesra Maia Estianty usai resmi menikah dengan Irwan Mussry itu pun tampaknya menjadi ungkapan rasa bahagia pasangan baru itu.
Maia Estianty dan Irwan Mussry telah resmi menikah di Jepang pada 29 Oktober 2018.
Seolah ingin menunjukkan rasa bahagianya, Irwan Mussry sempat membagikan potret kebersamaannya bersama Maia Estianty.
Dilansir dari akun Instagramnya, Irwan Mussry tampak sedang berdiri di samping Maia Estianty.
Wajah Irwan Mussry dan Maia Estianty tampak berseri-seri.
Irwan Mussry pun terlihat rapi mengenakan jas berwarna abu-abu.
Sedangkan Maia Estianty tampak cantik mengenakan gaun berwarna putih krem lengkap dengan tiara di kepalanya.
Tak hanya potret, Irwan Mussry juga menuliskan caption perihal kabar bahagianya itu.
"My sincerest thank you for all the warm wishes and kind prayers. May Allah SWT bless us all.
(Terimakasih saya terima kasih atas semua doa hangat dan doa yang baik hati. Semoga Allah SWT memberkati kita semua.)," tulis Irwan Mussry.
Kebahagiaan jelas terpancar dari wajah Maia Estianty saat menceritakan prosesi pernikahannya dengan Irwan Mussry.
Bahkan, dalam acara Silet Awards 2018, Maia Estianty pun menunjukkan perasaan sukanya dengan mengenakan gaun pengantin.
Ya, Maia Estianty terlihat cantik mengenakan gaun pengantinnya di acara tersebut.
Senyum bahagia seolah tak bisa hilang dari wajah Maia Estianty.
Pun ketika rekannya, Raffi Ahmad dan Ayu Dewi menunjukkan potret kebersamaan Maia Estianty dan sang suami.
Maia Estianty pakai gaun pengantin ke acara SILET AWARDS 2018 (Youtube channel RCTI)
Termasuk saat ditunjukkan potret jelang akad pernikahan Maia Estianty dan Irwan Mussry.
Sambil tersenyum, Maia Estianty pun menceritakan bahwa potret tersebut diambil ketika ia dan sang suami akan memasuki masjid.
Saat itu diakui Maia Estianty, dirinya merasa bahagia.
Ini mau naik ke masjid (sebelum akad). Pagi (di Jepang). (Waktu itu) bahagia. (Deg-degan) pasti. Namanya juga udah lama menjanda ya," ujar Maia Estianty dilansir
Usai mendengar cerita Maia Estianty, Raffi Ahmad pun kembali menunjukkan potret kedua Maia Estianty.
Dalam potret itu terlihat Maia Estianty sedang mencium kepala sang suami, Irwan Mussry.
Tak hanya Maia Estianty dan Irwan Mussry, dalam potret itu juga terlihat El.
Terlihat wajah El sumringah saat sedang berbaring di samping ayah tirinya dan sang bunda, Maia Estianty.
Melihat potret tersebut, Raffi Ahmad pun sempat histeris dan menggoda Maia Estianty.
"Aduh dicium lho waaa," goda Raffi Ahmad.
Usai menggoda Maia Estianty, Raffi Ahmad pun menyebut ada kesamaan antara Irwan Mussry dan mantan suami Maia, Ahmad Dhani.
Kesamaan itu adalah memiliki kepala botak alias plontos.
Mendengar ucapan tersebut, Maia Estianty pun menambahinya.
Maia Estianty menyebut ada 4 persamaan antara Irwan Mussry dan sang mantan suami.
Satu di antaranya adalah kedua sosok pria di hidup Maia Estianty tersebut punya kata Danny di nama mereka masing-masing.
Meskipun memiliki penulisan yang berbeda.
Ahmad Dhani dan Irwan Danny Mussry.
"Banyak lho persamaannya. Enggak ada rambut. Sama-sama dari Surabaya. Sama-sama suka musik. Namanya Danny juga kan dua-duanya," imbuh Maia Estianty.
Meski sama, Maia Estianty pun langsung menambahi pernyatannya kembali.
Bahwa sosok Irwan Mussry dan sang mantan sebenarnya berbeda.
"Tapi beda. (sekarang beda ya ?) Iya," tambahnya.
Selain potret mesra Maia Estianty dan Irwan Mussry, acara tersebut juga memamerkan momen kebersamaan Irwan dengan Al, El dan Dul.
Potret tersebut diambil sebelum Maia Estianty dan Irwan Mussry menikah.
Paris is the arguable the sexiest city in the world, home of French kissing, the French Cancan, and those naughty French letters. And yet most travellers never experience more than long lines, noisy restaurants, and hotel rooms full of dusty old antiques that remind you of Grandma's house.
But with a little planning and these insider tips on the sexiest places for lovers in Paris, you can make sure that your lovers' getaway - whether it's your first honeymoon or your tenth - is full of passion and intimacy.
The Perfect Setting Sexy décor, discretion and attentive service are what make or break the place where the two of you will spend your most intimate moments. Opt for boutique hotels rather than big hotels that could be hosting noisy conferences or school groups. Absolute musts are a deep bathtub, room service, and a large, comfy bed.
One by the Five 3 rue Flatters, 75005 Tel 01 43 31 52 31 A private, six-room suite created for couples and totally dedicated to the five senses from the Elixir d'Amour in the mini-fridge to the bed suspended in the clouds.
L'Hôtel 13 rue des Beaux-Arts, 75006 Tel 01 44 41 99 00 A dark and sumptuous hotel with rooms lavishly decorated in over-the-top French fabrics and antiques, each with a different historic theme.
Four Seasons George V 31 avenue George V, 75008 Tel 01 49 52 70 00 Queen Marie Antoinette would feel right at home in this historic palace hotel known for its impeccable service and spacious rooms.
Hotel Amour 8 rue Navarre, 75009 Tel 01 48 78 31 80 The aptly-named Love Hotel is naughty without being seedy, despite its titillating proximity to Pigalle's redlight district. Popular for its edgy mix of avant-garde art and bargain room rates.
Intimate Dining Paris is famous for its haute cuisine, fine wines, and divine pastries. But some of the city's most highly recommended restaurants and bistros are boisterous affairs, where the clientele are loud, the waiters in a hurry, and the tables so close together that you can hear every word of the conversations next to you. Tasty and fun, yes, but when you're looking for candlelight and privacy to set the mood for romance, opt for these establishments:
Lapérouse 51 quai des Grands Augustins, 75006 Tel 01 43 26 68 04 Couples can reserve one of the salons privées in this historic Second Empire restaurant where they can enjoy their refined French cuisine in perfect privacy.
Les Ombres Musée du Quai Branly 27 quai Branly, 75007 Tel 01 47 53 68 00 Enjoy contemporary French gastronomic dishes in a stunning rooftop setting of glass and steel with panoramic views of the sparkling Eiffel Tower.
Le First Boudoir Restaurant Westin Hotel, 234 rue de Rivoli, 75001 Tel 01 44 77 10 40 A runway of tiny candles line the dark, wood-panelled entrance to this contemporary "boudoir restaurant" of plush violet velour banquettes and views of the Tuileries.
Sir Winston 5 rue de Presbourg, 16th Tel 01 40 67 17 37 Reserve one of the cosy leopard-print booths downstairs for the ultimate privacy in this dark and sultry British colonial style restaurant and lounge bar.
Sexy Culture Standing in long lines to stare at art that you don't really comprehend is not how most Paris visitors expect when they go to the Louvre or the Musée d'Orsay, but that is unfortunately the reality. If you don't want your romantic trip spoiled by worrying about the logistics of getting around and interpreting the vague descriptions of the artworks, a private guide is for you.
Jean-Manuel Traimond Tel 01 47 37 42 70 or 06 86 10 57 33 E-mail: The charming Jean-Manuel will take you on a fascinating tour of the best erotic artworks in the Louvre, D'Orsay, and Erotica museums -- without waiting in the lines.
Secrets of ParisTours Tel 01 43 36 69 85 Wouldn't it be great to have a local friend to show you around the Paris? These English-speaking guides will show you a side of the city that only Parisians know.
Paris Authentic Tel 06 64 50 44 19 See Paris by night (or day) with your very own historic Citroën 2CV with open top and bilingual driver who will pick you up right at your hotel.
Sexy Shopping Not only will you need some souvenirs of your sexy getaway to Paris, you can also relive the passionate moments once you're back home with some very naughty toys and luxurious lingerie that the French make with such flair!
Yoba 11, rue du Marché St-Honoré, 75001 Tel 01 40 41 04 06 An elegant boutique of exquisite lingerie designed to seduce in fine silk and lace, as well as discrete toys for Madame and a line of sensual massage creams.
Cadolle Loft 255 rue St-Honoré75001 Tel 01 42 60 94 94 Schedule a rendez-vous at this legendary boutique which has been making custom-fit corsets for over fifty years. Budget-conscious shoppers will find their ready-to-wear corsets and lingerie around the corner at 4 rue Cambon.
Christian Louboutin 19 rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 75001 Tel 01 42 36 05 31 Nothing gets the hearts of both men and women racing like a glimpse of Christian Louboutin's signature red lacquered soles, available in kitten heels or sexy stilettos.
La Mode-Le Club Tel 01 45 05 17 29 Jacqueline and her image consulting team will help you capture that elusive French allure with a beauty make-over or a personalized shopping tour -- for him and her.
Red Hot Nightlife It wouldn't be Paris without the Moulin Rouge, so give the neon red windmill - and the busloads of tourists lined up at the door - a wave goodbye as you head out to the places where the locals kick up their heels after dark.
Le Crazy Horse 12 avenue George V, 75008 Tel 01 47 23 32 32 This small and intimate cabaret is undeniably the sexiest in Paris, where the female-only dance troupe of heavenly identical bodies perform their mesmerizing numbers.
VIP Room Club188 Rue de Rivoli, 75001 Dress to the nines if you expect to join the fashionable ranks of international jetsetters and world-famous DJs at this famous dance club overlooking the Tuileries Gardens.
La Dame du Canton Quai François Mauriac, 75013 Tel 01 44 06 96 45 You can cling to your sweetheart as this whimsical Chinese sailing barge rocks to the rhythms of World Music, rock, reggae and jazz. Live concerts every weekend.
The Curio Parlor 16 rue des Bernadins, 75005 Tel 01 44 07 12 47 Follow the locals to this low-lit speakeasy bat hidden on the Left Bank, where the friendly young staff mix up specialty cocktails in a hip lounge atmosphere.
Black Calavados 40 avenue Pierre 1re de Serbie, 75008 Tel 01 47 20 77 77 Hard rock meets high fashion at the stylish Black Calavados, aka LeBC, an exclusive lounge bar with a sexy jet black setting and a gourmet late-night snacking menu.
Heather Stimmler-Hall, an American writer and guide living in Paris since 1995, is the author of the new book, "Naughty Paris: A Lady's Guide to the Sexy City" (
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