Bayi Perempuan Ditemukan di Dalam Kardus Depan Rumah Warga

RGA Desa Sambirejo, Kecamatan Pare, Kabupaten Kediri dikejutkan dengan penemuan bayi berjenis kelamin perempuan di dalam kardus yang diletakan di depan rumah warga, Kamis (08/11) pagi tadi.
Aiptu Eko Kuncoro, Kanit SPKT Polres Kediri menjelaskan penemuan bayi di dalam kardus pertama kali diketahui oleh Jajar dan istrinya pada pukul 05.30 WIB saat akan olahraga pagi.
Jajar curiga dengan kardus yang tertutup diletakan di samping rumah dekat pohon. Saksi juga mendengar suara tangisan bayi yang berasal dari dalam kardus itu. Karena merasa takut ia akhirnya memanggil ketua RT dan perangkat desa setempat.
Setelah dibuka mereka kaget, di dalamnya ada bayi perempuan dalam kondisi menangis. Disamping bayi tersebut juga ada perlengkapan bayi.
Melihat penemuan ini JAJAR serta perangkat desa langsung memanggil bidan dan melaporkan ke Polsek Pare Kediri.
Aiptu Eko menambahkan bayi perempuan tersebut diperkirakan berumur dua hari dan kondisinya sehat.
Aiptu Eko menambahkan bayi perempuan tersebut diperkirakan berumur dua hari dan kondisinya sehat.
Untuk penanganan lebih lanjut saat ini bayi perempuan itu dibawa ke RSUD Pelem Pare Kediri untuk dilakukan perawatan. Saat ini polisi masih melakukan penyelidikan lebih lanjut tentang kasus penemuan bayi ini. (Zee)
Paris is an enigmatic city with an excellent romantic ambiance conducive for a fantastic holiday. There are a lot of reasons to enjoy Paris and with all the exciting things and activities you can find in the city, your stay here will surely be a memory you will always cherish. There are plenty of scenic spots to visit in Paris including the Notre Dame Cathedral, Le Louvre, or you can have a stroll on the banks of the River Seine where a lot of artists and poets did before to get an inspiration from the beauty of the city. Paris is also a great place to enjoy shopping and dining on one its restaurant is superb experience where you can be able to taste the exotic delight of French cuisines.
A lot of people flock to Paris all year round to enjoy the scenic beauty offered by the city and all of its iconic landmarks, monuments, museums, and most of all the Eiffel Tower which has become the symbol of Paris' elegance and worldwide charm. There are a lot of hotel in the city that offers great view of this wonderful tower, and booking an accommodation at Terrass Hotel will let you enjoy a panoramic view of the Eiffel Tower from your window. With 98 magnificently styled rooms that defines comfort and elegance, a lot of them provides a wonderful view of the famous tower. With tasteful and classy interior decorations which vary from classic decor to a more contemporary art deco style, this hotel is an example of Paris with all its grandeur and elegance. Four of Terrass' eight floors serve as non smoking rooms and all rooms offer a free high speed wifi access to its visitors.
The Terrass Hotel Paris is the only four star hotel in the district of Montmartre and is proud of its excellent concierge service to help make their guests acquainted with the various destinations in the area and to make their stay in Paris an unforgettable experience. Its multilingual concierge staff is more than willing to provide assistance about everything that concerns the hotel guests like finding and booking a seat on a famous restaurant, providing transportation either from the airport or to any locations you wish to visit, the staff are also efficient in helping you obtain tickets for events, museums, opera, city tours, and various entertainments. With their service oriented staff, they are expected to provide a more personalized service in order to satisfy your every needs. The hotel also offers a breakfast room where a sumptuous breakfast buffet is served from Monday to Friday starting at 6 in the morning. If you are not in the mood to join others in the breakfast room, you can always have your meal delivered at your room and enjoy a sumptuous continental breakfast at no extra cost.
Terrass Hotel Paris is always at the ready to provide you with all the comforts and luxury you need to make your stay in Paris more enjoyable and unforgettable.
John is an experienced traveler and loves his Paris vacations. To learn more about Paris vacations as well as Terrass Hotel Paris check out his vacation website on
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