Sempat Menangis, Pengakuan Kepala Basarnas Lihat Situasi Evakuasi Lion Air JT 610 'Nggak Kuat Saya'
Setelah sempat menangis dalam konferensi pers proses evakuasi Lion Air JT 610, Kepala Badan SAR Nasional (Basarnas), M. Syaugi menemui keluarga penumpang, Selasa (6/11/2018).
Dalam pertemuan yang terjalin di KRI Banjarmasin ini, Syaugi menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yang dilontarkan oleh anggota keluarga terkait proses pencarian.
Dirinya pun meyakinkan para anggota keluarga korban bahwa pencarian akan terus dilakukan.
"Kami bukan main-main, bukan asal. Kami sehari 24 jam cari terus, kami nggak main-main. Perintah Presiden begitu, artinya memberikan perhatian serius," jelasnya, dikutip dari
Bahkan, Syaugi memberikan kesaksiannya sendiri ketika melihat situasi yang sebenarnya di lapangan.
"Saya setiap hari melihat situasi iu terharu, nggak kuat saya. Kalau Bapak lihat saya di lapangan tegas dan keras, terenyuh juga hati saya. Jadi saya akan tetap berusaha," ujarnya kepada seorang keluarga korban.
Syaugi juga meminta kepada keluarga korban untuk ikhlas dan mendoakan korban.
"Saya memohon doa keikhlasan, supaya kita juga ikhlas karena ini kerja berat buat kami. Mudah-mudahan tabah, nanti kita doakan insyAllah diterima," pintanya.
Keluarga korban pun mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Syaugi atas kerja kerasnya.
"Terima kasih, Pak kerja kerasnya," kata seorang anggota keluarga korban.
Hari ini, Selasa (6/11/2018), Syaugi dan beberapa keluarga Korban Pesawat Lion Air JT 610 melakukan doa bersama dan tabur bunga di lokasi Pantai Tanjung Karawang, Jawa Barat.
Sebelumnya, dalam konferensi pers, Senin (5/11/2018), Syaugi terlihat menangis saat memberikan penjelasan kepada keluarga korban.
"Terima kasih kepada bapak ibu sekalian yang begitu perhatian dengan kami, khususnya dari Tim SAR gabungan," ujar M Syaugi dilansir dari tayangan Kompas TV, Senin (5/11/2018).
Kepala Basarnas itu mencoba menerangkan bahwa timnya telah bekerja keras.
M Syaugi menyadari timnya bukan lah tim yang sempurna.
Meski begitu dirinya mencoba menyakinkan keluarga korban bahwa timnya akan berusaha skuat tenaga.
"Kami memahami, bahwa kami bukan manusia super, bukan manusia yang sempurna. Kami tetap berusaha sekuat tenaga. Dengan apa yang kami miliki. Kami yakin bisa mengevakuasi seluruh korban," kata M Syaugi.
Seperti diketahui, Senin (29/10/2018), pesawat Lion Air JT 610 dipastikan jatuh di sekitar Perairan Tanjung, Karawang, Jawa Barat.
Dilansir dari, pesawat tersebut lepas landas dari Bandara Soekarno-Hatta, sekira pukul 06.20 WIB menuju Bandara Depati Amir, Pangkalpinang.
Pesawat Lion Air JT 610 sendiri sempat dinyatakan hilang kontak, sebelum dipastikan jatuh.
( / Salma Fenty Irlanda)
Paris is undoubtedly one of the most stunning cities in the whole of Europe. It brings to mind the familiarity of the Eiffel Tower, along with such delights as the Mona Lisa and the Arc de Triomphe.
But you don't just have to visit landmarks such as these when you visit Paris. There is a lot more to indulge in that you don't always hear about - including the many parks and relaxing green spaces that are dotted all over this charming city.
Indeed, there are many places you could begin your exploration, but there is no better place than the Bois de Boulogne - the park is a century and a half old, and is located out to the west of Paris. You will get an idea of the size of the park when you realise that it contains several gardens of its own! It is your choice as to how many - or which ones - you choose to stroll around in.
Elsewhere you will certainly want to make a beeline for the Parc des Buttes Chaumont. This is a rather ironic park, because the land that it occupies used to be where people were executed in times gone by. However, this doesn't seem to have stopped it becoming known as a place of romance for modern day couples. If you get tired of the busy nature of the rest of the city, you will definitely want to come here with a picnic lunch and wile away the afternoon hours in nice weather. Furthermore, don't miss the Temple of Sybil, which is in the park itself.
If you would like to visit somewhere nice and quiet that is still within reaching distance of all the best landmarks, then it can prove worthwhile to visit the Champs de Mars. This has the benefit of sitting right by the Eiffel Tower, which watches silently over it at one end.
One park that you shouldn't miss out on is the Jardin du Luxembourg. Its roots stretch back almost four hundred years; although, the public was only allowed to enjoy it in full from the 1800s onward.
The great thing about all these parks is that there are plenty of hotels in Paris nearby. Therefore, if you have a particular park in mind that you would like to visit, you can consider booking a hotel that is located close-by.
With there being so many parks available to explore, it is good to know that you have options to enjoy the quieter side of Paris, as well as the busier side.
Victoria Cochrane writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.
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