Surabaya Membara Memakan Korban Jiwa, Ayah ini Saksikan Putrinya Tersambar Kereta! Begini Nih Kesaksiannya! – Tak pernah ada yang menyangka jika pagelaran drama kolosal ‘Surabaya Membara’ yang diperuntukkan memperingati Hari Pahlawan yang jatuh pada hari ini, Sabtu (10/11/2018) akan berakhir tragis.
Dilaporkan, pagelaran tersebut memakan 20 korban luka berat dan ringan dan tiga orang meninggal.
Salah satu korban meninggal adalah Erikawati (9).
Gadis kecil yang baru duduk di bangku kelas III SD ini tewas akibat terseret kereta api.
Kepergian gadis malang ini sontak membuat kedua orangtuanya, Liana (37) dan Sahluki (41) menangis histeris.
Sahluki bahkan tak bisa menghentikan air matanya saat melihat tubuh putrinya sudah terbujur kaku di ruangan kamar jenazah di RSUD dr Soetomo Surabaya.
Kesaksian Sang Ayah
Sahluki yang begitu berduka masih teringat jelas momen detik-detik insiden yang merenggut nyawa putrinya.
Ia menjelaskan bahwa saat itu ia bersama istri dan putrinya menonton drama Surabaya Membara dari atas Viaduk.
Sekitar pukul 19.45 WIB, tiba-tiba ada kereta api dari Stasiun Gubeng menuju ke Stasiun Pasar Turi melintas di perlintasan Viaduk.
Viaduk yang hanya memiliki jarak yang minim dengan gerbong kereta api, membuat banyak orang yang berada di sana panik karena takut tersenggol kereta.
Alhasil, aksi saling dorong pun terjadi.
Nahasnya, Sahluki beserta istri dan putrinya terlempar di dekat rel perlintasan.
“Saya dan ibunya jatuh, putri saya tergeser (terseret) kereta api,” ungkapnya.
“Saya tidak luka, istri terluka tapi selamat, putri saya meninggal,” ucap dia menangis.
Jenazah putrinya akan dibawa ke kampung halamannya, yang berada di Pasreh, Kecamatan Socah, Kabupaten Bangkalan, Madura. Demikian mengutip, Sabtu (10/11/2018)
Whatever time of year you visit, Paris is always busy with plenty of shows, exhibits, events and more. Here's our guide to visiting one of the most romantic cities in the world and enjoying plenty of sights, sounds, music and more.
June If you plan on visiting Paris in June, you should know that it doesn't get too hot, nor does it get too busy. That makes June a perfect time for the Fete de la Musique. This is a music festival held in the city capital. It's held near the end of June and offers plenty of music and vendors selling everything you can think of along the streets and in the parks. Then there's the Paris Jazz Festival, which goes from mid June through to early August each year. This festival offers free live concerts at the Parc Floral, along with plenty of other sights and sounds to please every age and every palate.
In July, there's the World Dog Show, which is held at the Paris Nord Villepinte each year. This is when you can see dogs from all over Paris showing off their stuff to an anxious crowd. This is also the month when you'll see the famous Tour de France. This cycle race finishes every year at the Champs-Elysees. It's not to be missed.
August In August, you won't want to miss the Rock en Seine, which is three days of rock concerts in Paris. This is the month when things tend to slow down, so you'll be able to rest before things pick back up again in September.
September and October The fall months are really rocking in Paris with the Jazz de la Villette, which is a music festival that offers the best Parisian variations of soul, funk and rock, there's the European Heritage Days Festival, which is where you can visit famous Parisian sites and monuments, and much more.
November In November, there's the Le Mois de la Photo photography festival, the military parade on Armistice Day and Beaujolais Nouveau, which is when a new wine from a region of France is released on the third week in November.
December As the year winds to a close, there is the Ice Magic ice sculpture festival, which offers free admission by the way, there's the Salon Nautique de Paris, which is an international boat show, and there is even a horse exhibition. The horse exhibition offers horse jumping competitions, World Arabian Horse Championships, breeding and driving presentations and much more.
With so much to see and do this year in Paris, you have no reason not to go. No matter what you like to do or what music you like, you'll find it in Paris, one of the most romantic, and 'active', cities in the world.
Hotel Paris is the latest website from Tamara Beckworth, a travel commentator who specialises in world famous locations. Click to visit Hotel Paris [] and compare all latest hotel deals for what many believe is the most romantic city in the world.
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