4 Posisi Tidur Ini Bakalan Bikin Nambah Nyaman Kamu Dan Pasangan .. Nomor 2 Jadi Favorit Pasangan

Bagaimana posisi Anda saat tidur bersama suami atau istri Anda? Menyamping, terlentang, berpelukan, saling membelakangi atau sama-sama berada di sudut tempat tidur tanpa peduli satu sama lain?
Untuk posisi ini, wanita harus tahu apa yang harus dilakukan agar posisi ini menjadi baik untuk kedua belah pihak, seperti menjaga rambut panjangnya agar tidak mengenai wajah pasangan. Jika Anda menyebarkan rambut Anda, tentu akan membuatnya tidak nyaman selama tidur, cobalah untuk menyampingkan rambut Anda agar tidak mengenai pasangan.
The barely there vs the fugitive.
Jika wanita ingin tidur di sudut tempat tidur, itu bukan berarti Anda harus ikut-ikutan menyelinap di belakangnya. Berikan ia ruang, agar kalian berdua bisa mendapatkan tidur malam yang baik dan hubungan yang sehat.
Sumber: Healthy Bio Food
Tahukah Anda, posisi tidur yang benar dapat membuat tidur Anda semakin berkualitas. Tak hanya itu saja, manfaat lainnya adalah Anda akan memperoleh hubungan yang jauh lebih sehat dan romantis tentunya.
Jika Anda sudah mempunyai bayi, perhatikan juga posisi tidurnya agar tetap aman dan tidak membahayakan bayi Anda. Dan berikut beberapa posisi yang benar saat Anda tidur bersama pasangan dan bayi Anda.
Cold fusion vs boa constrictor.
Untuk posisi ini, wanita mencoba tidur di lengan pria, dan cobalah untuk membuatnya merasa nyaman. Saat wanita berada di posisi normal, peluklah ia dengan lembut dan tidak dengan gerakan kaku, agar ia bisa tidur dengan baik dan tidak bangun dengan leher kaku dan nyeri.
Tidur dengan bayi.
Jika Anda berdua tidur dengan bayi Anda, cobalah untuk menempatkan bayi di tengah-tengah, yaitu di antara Anda dan pasangan. Dan hindari posisi yang dapat membahayakan bayi Anda.
Nah dengan ini kamu dan pasangan bakal jadi lebih nyaman..
Paris is the fashion center of the world and the city of lovers. There is more to this city other than the expensive perfume and the designer outfits. Other than the breathtaking architectural designs in the Paris skyline, Paris is a world renowned artistic centre Take a lift in the Eiffel tower Paris landmark to the highest point in Paris and enjoy the view of Paris. The world famous Mona Lisa original portrait has mad its home in the Louvre Museum Inn.
The centre of the modeling world is dotted with many tall, negative-sized models of both sexes and this means a fashion show every once in a while. The who's' who in the fashion world grace these occasions; and if you are a fashion enthusiast, you will not want to miss these fashion shows which are debuts for less known models and fashion designers. They are not only very expensive; but are also hyped fashion shows that are free. The Lafayette fashion shows are free and worth a try.
Paris is an expensive place to visit but you will do not have to spend a fortune on a family vacation in Paris. There are other quality paces you can visit in Paris for free. Take a romantic ride in the Seine River for free. It is a shooting site for quite a number of Hollywood movies and you may be fortunate to see a blockbuster one being shot. The Notre Dame Cathedral; the inspiration behind the hunchback of Notre Dame and many other movies is a sight to behold and the fact that it is free is the icing on the cake. It is one of the high points in the Paris skyline; and from its vantage point, you will get some memorable views of the Paris skyline.
Paris is known for its Christian Dior perfume and many other brands in the market. Paris has one of the few perfume museums in the world, a very notable one being the Fragonard Perfume Museum. To get the history of perfumes and to see some of the old designs of Perfume, this is the place to visit.
If you are visiting Paris for the first time, reconsider staying in cheap hotels in Paris. Although they are five star hotels and their services are top notch, they tend to be quite small and will cost you a fortune especially if you are visiting Paris with your family for a vacation. Consider doing something different and relatively cheap. Stay in the outskirts of Paris and save a lot of money. Staying in a four star hotel is not as bad as you think; their services usually match some of the five star hotels that you know. Consider home exchange if you do not want to pay any money on accommodation.
There are many home exchange services that are available on the internet, and you can just as easily find accommodation for your family through such services. The good side is that you will be able to interact with the local culture.
In the outskirts of Paris, all you will have to worry about is transportation. Rail is the cheapest mode of transport to find.
Maria Sole D'Elia is a Travel blog writer for Venere.com and writes about hotels
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Maria_Sole_D'Elia/493446
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3372862