Termakan Sumpah Sendiri, Sempat Bilang “Najis Gue Jodoh Sama Orang Kaya Dia”, Akhirnya ini yang Terjadi Hati-hati Berbicara, Pelajaran Buat Kamu nih

Hati-hati Berbicara, Pelajaran Buat Kamu nih Mblo
Pepatah mengatakan, mulutmu harimau mu, kalau kita asal bicara bisa jadi apa yang kita ucapkan kembali ke diri kita malahan, seperti yang terjadi pada perempuan yang satu ini, bilang najis eh malah ini yang terjadi…

Berbicara tentang jodoh tentu semua orang juga akan setuju bahwa hal tersebut merupakan salah satu hal yang paling misterius di dunia. Seseorang tidak pernah tahu dengan siapa dirinya akan menjadi jodoh siapa.
Bahkan tidak jarang diantara kita yang berjodoh dengan orang yang sama sekali tidak pernah disangka-sangka. Bisa jadi saat ini kita benci dengan seseorang, namun beberapa waktu kemudian dia menjadi seseorang yang sangat kita sayang.
Hal ini nampaknya terjadi para perempuan dengan akun @annarumia, melalui Instagram pribadinya ia menuliskan curhatannya tentang seseorang yang tidak pernah ia sangka sebelumnya.
‘Jadi tadi malam buka-buka gallery foto lama, terus nemu poto yang di atas, baru sadar ternyata si doi udah ada di poto pagi2 waktu mau nanjak Mt papandayan, padahal waktu itu ngak sling kenal, baru liat wujud nya itu sore nya di tempat kita camp,’
‘dan pas ketemu juga langsung debat nggak penting dan berantem terus dari tempat kita camp hingga ke hutan mati, bahkan mau turun dari hutan mati ke base camp kita Masih berantem dong ya, smpai-sampai kita di bully sama beberapa temen yang kebetulan nanjak bareng kita,’
‘mereka pada blang ‘Kalian berantem Terus, jodoh tar berdua (waktu itu jwaban aku, najis gue jodoh sma orag kaya dia)
‘Mngkin krna kebetulan atau kesengajaan setiap istirahat di jalur, muka dia trus yang terlihat, hahaha Mual bos mual, eneg liat nya waktu itu😜😝 smpai-sampai waktu itu smpt kluar kata-kata ini dari mulut kita🙊
‘Me : segitu cintany lo sma gue, sampai gak bisa banget jauh dari gue
Doi : Cinta sma lo, mikirin lo juga kaga, cuih
Me : ngaku dah lo, mimpi lo bsa dapetin gue
Doi : geer banget dah, lo yang mimpi
Me : denger ya, loe dapetin gue anugrah, gue dapetin lo musibah.
‘Udah gitu pas balik eh trnyata di bus kita juga 1 tempt duduk dong yaa, sebelahan 😂, mulai lah cerita2 yang agak baik, dan baru komunikasi yang baik itu setelah beberapa hari turun dr gunung, Akhirnya kita mulai jadi temen dekat,
‘ tgl 21 April wktu Ultah nya doi kenalin aku dong ke keluarga nya, tanpa pacaran dengan berani doi nglamar di 27 juni, alhamdulillah lamaran diterima oleh keluarga besar, kita SAH 4 agustus’.
Curhatan wanita ini pun langsung mendapatkan komentar dari para netizen.
‘Wahhh keren banget kak 😘😘 kalian berdua luar biasa…. 👍👍’, tulis salah satu netizen.
‘gile ane merinding’, tulis netizen yang lainnya.
Paris is an enigmatic city where diverse cultures and traditions merge with the urban background making it more attractive to tourist from different parts of the world. There are a number of places to visit in the city and a lot of other things to experience that can best describe the real Parisian living while enjoying a holiday. Although famous for its historical sites and iconic landmarks, Paris is also popular for its world class accommodations and services it offer to visitors flocking the city all year round. The best way to experience Paris is by visiting the Latin Quarter which is located in the 5th arrondissement of Paris situated on the Left Bank of the Seine River around the Sorbonne University. Well known for its vivacious ambiance and famous bistros, the Latin Quarter is the location for numerous institutions for higher learning aside from the University itself including the Ecole Normale Superieure, Ecole des Mines de Paris, the Schola Cantorum, and the Jussieu University Campus.
If you are in the area, there are several accommodation options you can choose from and the most recommended is the Hotel Cluny Sorbonne which is ideally located in the heart of the Latin Quarter, within a residential area just across the Sorbonne where you can enjoy a relaxing stay away from the bustling city and annoying traffic noise typical on main streets and avenues. Built in an 18th century edifice with rooms similar to those found in the old quarter of Paris, Cluny Hotel Sorbonne Paris has all the charm and elegance you can ever find in a comfortable accommodation. With private shower and bathrooms, clean toilets, satellite TV, and telephones, this hotel can provide all the needed amenities you may require. It is also within walking distance to all the major tourist attractions that include the Notre Dame, Pantheon, and famous Louvre. The Eiffel Tower and the Picasso Museum can be accessed via a quick metro ride where you can enjoy typical Parisian sights along the way. Also in close proximity is the Jardin Du Luxembourg, Ile de la Cite, Saint Germain des Pres, Cluny Medieval Museum, and the Mouffletard district.
When you are in Paris particularly in the Latin Quarter, you will always be amazed by all the scenic spots and romantic setting the district offers to its visitors and there are a lot of things that will always catch your attention even if you are just a having a quick stroll. At every street bend offers something surprising that will make your stay in the district a vivid memory you will always cherish after your trip is over. Likewise, when you are in the quarter, it is also ideal to spend your night on Hotel Cluny Sorbonne to experience the much needed comfort after a tiring day and have relaxing and peaceful sleep to prep yourself for another day of grueling city exploration. There are a lot of reasons why you should be in Paris and there are more reasons why you should not miss the luxury yet affordable service offered by the Hotel Cluny every time you are visiting the city.
John is an experienced traveler and loves his Paris vacations. To learn more about Paris vacations as well as Hotel Sorbonne Paris [http://www.parishotelsadvice.com/hotel-sorbonne/] check out his vacation website on http://www.parishotelsadvice.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Smitth/507303
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3854115