Bayi 10 Bulan Tak Sengaja Menelan Daun Ganja, Ini yang Terjadi Selanjutnya

SEORANG bayi berusia 10 bulan secara tak sengaja menelan daun ganja. Ia pun mengalami koma. Atas kejadian tersebut, orangtua bayi itu langsung ditahan pihak kepolisian.
Seperti dilaporkan, pasangan asal kota Saint-Priest tak jauh dari Lyon, Perancis itu datang ke rumah sakit Kamis (25/10) setelah bayi mereka tak sengaja menelan daun itu.
Setelah menjalani pemeriksaan, sang ibu (33) dibebaskan. Sementara, sang ayah mengaku kepada polisi dia memang menggunakan ganja.
Setelah menjalani pemeriksaan, pria ini juga dibebaskan tetapi harus hadir di persidangan pada Maret tahun depan. Sedangkan bayi pasangan ini masih dirawat di rumah sakit tetapi kondisinya sudah mulai membaik.
Sebuah kasus sama juga dilaporkan terjadi di Perancis pada April lalu, ketika seorang bayi keracunan asap ganja. Tim medis saat itu langsung bersiaga di rumah sakit Armand-Trousseau, Paris saat bayi perempuan itu dibawa ke ruang gawat darurat.
Polisi memeriksa kedua orangtua bayi itu tetapi keduanya tidak bisa tak bisa menjelaskan bagaimana bayi mereka bisa terpapar asap ganja.
Dalam pemeriksaan terungkap bahwa kedua anak lain pasangan ini, yang berusia dua dan empat tahun, juga terpapar ganja dan narkoba lainnya. (Dil)
Seeing the sights and sounds of Paris is like a dream come true for many. When you finally get the opportunity to visit this great city, you will want to plan your agenda carefully. Each city you visit has an ambiance all its own and Paris is no different. It is a city filled with romance, culture and a rich history. Long walks around the city, famous landmarks, numerous museums and pleasant weather all make this city a perfect tourist destination. Not to mention exploring countless outdoor cafes, dinning at fabulous restaurants and catching the great nightlife at fun clubs and bars.
Some of the most famous attractions that are worth seeing include the Louvre, Champs-Elysees, Notre-Dame and the Eiffel Tower. Many visitors to France are often surprised at the unusual road systems not normally seen in the states. For example, a visit to the Arc de Triomphe located towards the end of Champs-Elysees has a huge roundabout with 13 roads all going in different directions. It may be prudent to use a seasoned taxi driver for this destination. The Avenue des Champs-Elysees offers visitors a scenic park with popular shops up and down the street.
As you might expect with any modern city transportation to see the sights is no problem. Of course, there are a couple of airports, six train stations, bus lines and several taxi cab companies. Although, most tourists prefer to stay at Paris hotels, which are centrally located so they are within walking distance of their favourite tourist destinations. Both the Bastille and Latin Quarter areas are attractive locations close to intimate cafes and provide beautiful views of the famous Seine River.
You cannot miss the Eiffel Tower, which spans 276-meters above the Seine River. Enjoy excellent views of Paris right before sunset. The tower is equipped with elevators, stairs and restaurant dinning is available too.
Another stop to consider while visiting is the very famous Louvre Museum. The Louvre is a popular museum, which is one of the oldest and largest. You should probably dedicate an entire day for this attraction, as the lines to enter can be long. However, standing in line is well worth the time to see artefacts and art from extensive cultures throughout the world. The Mona Lisa collection is housed in this museum and you would not want to miss seeing it while visiting. You are bound to have a great time at the perfect tourist destination.
Roo Sadegi is an online travel writer based in London's East End, although he spends much of his time travelling around Europe's travel hotspots.
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