Merampok dan Sandera Anak Korban, Perampok: “Maaf, Istri Saya Mau Melahirkan, Daripada Dia yang Mati, Mending Kamu Saja”

BERDALIH butuh biaya untuk persalinan istrinya, Deni (33) nekat melakukan perampokan. Dia ditangkap polisi dan kakinya ditembak lantaran melawan.
Deni merampok bersama kakak iparnya IC (DPO), Joni Arifin (26) dan TM yang masih buron terhadap Rizal (41) di Jalan Lebak Rejo, Kelurahan Sekip Jaya, Kecamatan Kemuning, Palembang, 7 Oktober 2018. Mereka membawa senjata api rakitan sebagai bekal merampok.
Begitu merusak gembok pagar, pemilik rumah curiga. Salah satu pelaku memutuskan aliran listrik dan yang lainnya merusak pintu rumah. Setelah berhasil masuk, mereka menodongkan senpi rakitan dan obeng panjang dan mengancam korban untuk tidak melawan.
Tersangka Deni berperan menyandera salah satu anak korban. Sambil menyandera dengan menodongkan senpi rakitan, Deni meminta maaf kepada korban.
“Maaf saya merampok, istri saya mau melahirkan. Dari pada istri saya yang mati, mending kamu saja yang mati,” ungkap tersangka Deni, mengutip Riausky.
Warga Jalan Tegal Binangun, Kelurahan Plaju Darat, Kecamatan Plaju, Palembang, itu berdalih baru pertama kali merampok setelah diajak kakak iparnya. Itu dilakukannya untuk biaya lahiran anak keempatnya.
“Saya lagi butuh duit, anak yang kedua lagi sakit dan istri mau lahiran,” ujarnya.
Sementara itu, Kapolsek Kemuning Palembang AKP Robert P Sihombing mengatakan, penangkapan kedua tersangka berdasarkan rekaman CCTV. Sebab sebelum merampok korban, kawanan itu berupaya melakukan aksi serupa di sekitarnya.
Rumah Rizal adalah korban kedua setelah rumah pertama gagal. Di tempat pertama ada CCTV jadi terekam,” kata Robert.
Dalam aksinya, para pelaku membawa kabur uang tunai senilai Rp 20 juta, lima unit ponsel, perhiasan, serta jam tangan antik. Penyidik masih memburu dua pelaku lain yang turut terlibat.
“Dua tersangka terpaksa ditembak kakinya karena melawan. Mereka dijerat 365 KUHP dengan ancaman hukuman di atas tujuh tahun penjara,” pungkasnya. (Alz)
Of course, Paris is one of the most loved cities in the world and it's easy to understand the appeal it holds. With architecture and art of such variety and splendour, it simply must be seen to be believed; matched by culture and cuisine of impeccable standards, the French capital has everything you could wish for and more. Effortless chic is the defining feature that allows Paris to captivate and charm all year round, making it the perfect destination to visit for a winter pick me up.
Excellent public transport makes Paris easy to navigate, and as all of the major attractions are within easy walking distance of each other, the city is easy to explore.
There's plenty to see and do in Paris: pavement bistros, street markets, tree-lined boulevards and cobbled courtyards can all be found round most corners; not to mention the world famous landmarks like Sacre Coeur, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame and of course, the Eiffel Tower.
However, perhaps the easiest way to decide where you want to go when in Paris is by looking at how the city is divided. In fact, Paris has twenty districts sprawling from the Ile de la Cite in the River Seine - the island site of the original settlement. The river neatly divides the city into the Left Bank (Rive Gauche) and Right Bank (Rive Droite) with each side harbouring its own identity - the Left Bank is traditionally the more trendy side, whilst the Right Bank tends to be the classier.
The most famous and popular landmark is the Eiffel Tower, which looks its best when impressively floodlit at night. Originally built in 1889 to commemorate the centennial of the Revolution, the Eiffel Tower remained the world's tallest structure at 320m until the Chrysler Building in Manhattan was completed. It goes without saying that a trip to the top will afford you spectacular panoramic views across the city.
What's more, the Arc de Triomphe, the meeting point of twelve avenues, has an impressive viewing platform, as does the Sacre-Couer; therefore, you'll never be stuck for choices when looking for a bird's eye view of the world's most romantic city.
Whatever side you decide to visit you're guaranteed to get a taste of the chic and grandeur qualities that make the City of Light so special to everyone that visits. Indeed, considering the capital of France probably has more familiar landmarks than any other city in the world, you can be sure when searching for hotels in Paris that you'll always be in the midst of the action with the tip of the Eiffel Tower and spire of the Notre Dame never far from view.
So, whether mulling your way through one of the cities inspirational museums or shopping in one of the exclusive boutiques on Champs Elysees, Paris really does have something to interest everyone. And a winter trip can prove the perfect way to ensure an extra special start to the year.
Paul McIndoe writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.
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