Diajak Bakar Ayam, SPG Ini Justru Digilir Enam Orang Pemuda

Seorang Sales Promotion Girl (SPG) berinisial DF, 20, menjadi korban perkosaan. Korban diperkosa secara bergilir oleh pelaku yang berjumlah enam orang. Kejadian tersebut terjadi di tepi sungai Desa Tangun, Kecamatan Bangun Purba, Rohul, Riau, Selasa (20/8) lalu. Kabid Humas Polda Riau, Kombes Sunarto mengatakan, peristiwa tragis itu terjadi sekitar pukul 20.00 WIB.
Saat itu AF, salah satu pelaku datang ke rumah kakak korban untuk menjemput korban. “Alasan AF, ingin mengajak korban untuk ikut bakar ayam bersama dengan temannya (pelaku) yang lain,” kata Sunarto dilansir dari Jawapos, kemarin. Tanpa menaruh curiga sedikitpun, akhirnya korban mengiyakan ajakan pelaku.
Awalnya pelaku membawa korban ke SPBU untuk mengisi bahan bakar sepeda motornya. Kemudian mengajaknya keliling di sekitar Desa Tangun. Tak lama setelah itu, pelaku membelokkan arah kendaraannya ke tepi sungai.
Saat itupun korban tak curiga, sebab ia melihat adanya tiga orang teman pelaku yang sudah menunggu di tempat itu. Korban pun tak menyangka bahwa para pria itu akan melampiaskan nafsu bejatnya. Namun nasib tragis akhirnya menimpa korban.
Setelah turun dari motor, beberapa pria langsung menghampiri korban dan menahan tubuh korban. Sedangkan pelaku lainnya membuka celana dan pakaian dalam korban hingga korban dalam kondisi setengah telanjang.
“Pelaku menarik korban ke dalam gubuk. Disana korban digilir para pelaku. Setelah melampiaskan nafsunya, salah satu pelaku mengantar korban kembali ke rumah kakaknya,” ujar Sunarto. Setelah kejadian itu, korban merasakan sakit yang teramat perih dibagian kemaluannya. Akhirnya, korban yang tak terima atas perbuatan para pelaku yang telah menggagahinya,
langsung melaporkan kejadian yang menimpanya ke Polres Rohul. “Setelah laporan diterima dan sudah dilakukan visum terhadap korban, anggota Polres Rohul melakukan penyelidikan.
Salah satu pelaku akhirnya dapat tertangkap,” ungkapnya. Baca Juga : Jual ABG Rp500 Ribu, Muncikari Dapat Upah Tiduri Gratis Adalah IR, 22, salah satu pelaku yang berhasil diamankan. Pria yang sehari-hari bekerja sebagai wiraswasta ini, diciduk petugas di rumahnya yang masih berada di Desa Tangun, Senin (10/9) sekitar pukul 23.00 WIB. “Dari hasil interogasi pelaku mengakui perbuatannya.
Itu dilakukan bersama lima rekannya, yaitu AF, MA, IL, EG dan BM. Sementara ini, IR dibawa ke Mapolres guna penyidikan. Sedangkan temannya yang lain masih dalam pengejaran,” pungkas Kombes Sunarto.(net)
Monaco is a small yet first class country in Europe. While you go around exploring what the place has to offer you, be sure to get first class accommodations as well with their long line of luxury hotels.
Hotel de Paris
This hotel was built in 1864. This hotel was built to offer the best that the new generation hotels should offer. They symbolize the excellent level of hospitality. They are on the Golden Square of Place du Casino. They have a total of one hundred ninety seven luxurious rooms and suites. They also have stunning salons for business meetings. This hotel is the heir of the grand hotels spirit.
A night stay in Hotel de Paris is one unforgettable experience. You can experience purse magic like a dream come true. This is blended to the comfort that the hotel offers. You will surely appreciate even the smallest thing in this place because the place is really very enchanting.
The Hotel de Paris is just a few minutes away from the beach and the railway station. So you can really enjoy the nice fresh air of the beach.
The total rooms of Hotel de Paris are one hundred ninety one rooms. The hotel allows pets. You can choose from their locked car park or guarded parking. They have beautiful garden for their visitors to enjoy. Rooms are very quiet to stay in. the hotel offers an on site shopping area. There is also a beauty center and fitness gym for guests who need them.
Monte Carlo Bay Hotel and Resort
This hotel has more than you can possibly expect. They have a big garden to beautify the surroundings, all four hectares of it. it is a luxurious landscape with waters on the edge. They have three hundred thirty four rooms, four restaurants, a spa, an indoor swimming pool, and a swimming pool at the lagoon. Guests will see a bridge to accost, enjoy shows, casinos and a night club. This is one authentic prestigious club found on an island.
Hotel Metropole Palace Monte-Carlo
This hotel is in the heart of Monaco principality. The hotel is a member of the World's Leading Hotels. They welcome their visitors to an oasis of calm. There is comfort and elegance even at the mare front area of the hotel. The hotel has one hundred forty six bedrooms and suites.
The rooms and suites were decorated by no less than Jacques Garcia. Their suites earned the name The Golden Square Suite thanks to the very large terrace size. The terrace overlooks the whole Monte Carlo and sea.
The restaurant of the hotel serves Joel Robuchon Monte Carlo, a unique Mediterranean cuisine. This cuisine is suggested by their executive chef, Christophe Cussac. He guarantees a true gastronomic adventure with this food.
Guests should try the massage services of their spa salon. It offers a unique concept of massaging called E'SPA. It gives a feeling of utmost tranquility. Clients are sure to find equality of mind and body. It will be more than just a relaxing moment.
Hotel Hermitage Monaco
This hotel overlooks the Mediterranean and cultivates elegance at its peak. It imbibes the style of "Belle Epoque." It has been granted a historical monument status. They give their visitors not just a refined atmosphere but the gentle harmony and familiar intimacy to all their guests.
Almost all luxury hotels in Monaco hold a common point of interest. Some of these are popular sports like tennis and golf. Of course casino will always be present also. Then there is disco, opera, theaters, public gardens and shopping areas. There are also the famous attractions of Thalasso and Balneo. Monaco also have their beaches that almost all vacationers will love to go to.
For more information on Macon Hotels [http://www.macon-hotels.net/] and Monaco Vacation Rentals [http://www.macon-hotels.net/monaco-vacation-rentals.php] please visit our website.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/David_Urmann/39183
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2120876