Kejadian Badai Dahsyat Yang Terjadi di Palembang Kejadian Ini Baru Pertama Kali, Apakah Karena Simbol Mata Satu Sehingga Murka nya ALLAH,,

Angin kencang melanda Kota Palembang khususnya di daerah Jakabaring.
Angin kencang disertai hujan deras ini membuat banyak bangunan rusak.
Dari data-data yang kumpulkan sejumlah fasilitas utama di Jakabaring terkena dampak angin kencang ini.
Berikut fasilitas-fasilitas di Jakabaring yang rusak.
1. Stasiun LRT OPI Jakabaring
Stasiun ini dikabarkan rusak dihantam hujan dan angin kencang, Sabtu (27/10/2018) sore.
Hujan sendiri mengguyur Kota Palembang sejak pukul 15.00 WIB.
Dari video amatir yang diterima, terlihat bagian dalam stasiun LRT OPI Jakabaring berantakan.
Beberapa bagian mirip plafon terlihat lepas.
2. Tiang Listrik Timpa Toilet di Venue Atletik
Hujan deras disertai angin kencang, Sabtu (27/10/2018) mengguyur Wilayah Palembang dan sekitarnya.
Kencangnya angin mengabibatkan tiang listrik di kawasan Jakabaring Sport City (JSC) tumbang dan menimpa bagunan di area venue JSC
" Hujan deras angin puting beliung melanda area jakabaring mengakibatkan robohnya tiang listrik, tiang tersebut menimpa bangunan publik yaitu toilet yang berlokasi di venue atletik," Ujar Pengelola JSC, Bambang Sabtu (27/10).
Saat ini pihak pengelola sudah melakukan penangangan untuk pemindahan tiang yang menimpa toilet di venue atletik.
" Untuk saat ini kita sedang mengevakuasi pada hal-hal yang bisa kita lakukan terkait hal tersebut," ujarnya.
3. Venue di Danau Jakabaring roboh
Sementara itu beberapa kerusakan pada gedung lain juga terlihat di kawasan Jakabaring Sprot City .
Seperti lampu di venue dan bagian atap penonton.
Di bagian danau Jakabaring, bangunan juga terlihat roboh.
4. Lampu Penerangan Roboh
Di bagian lain lampu penerangan di komplek JSC juga terlihat roboh.
Kerusakannya sangat parah.
Lampu-lampu pecah dan rangkaian besinya penyok.
5. Papan-papan Reklame Beterbangan
With countless iconic landmarks, an impressive collection of art and a range of gourmet cuisine to its name, it's no wonder Paris has grown into one of the world's top tourist destinations. Indeed, situated along the River Seine in Northern France, the French capital draws over 30 million visitors each year and is home to some of the most well-known attractions on the planet.
Renowned for its laidback café culture and wide boulevards, the city is a bustling metropolis, home to over 2.1 million people and offering the visitor an exclusive range of experiences. Not only that, but Paris is also known as a leading global economic player in many fields, including fashion, media, politics and the arts.
Officially divided into 20 districts (arrondissements), many believe Paris is less of a city and more an amalgamation of different villages, each with their own distinct sense of style: these ultimately combine to create the chic Parisian atmosphere which enraptures so many.
Steeped in a rich cultural history, the City of Paris has continued to grow from its modest beginnings as a Celto-Roman settlement called Lutetia - which is currently where the famous Cathédral de Nôtre Dame lies - in 52 BCE. Since then, the city has expanded to include the iconic places of interest so celebrated today.
And there are certain attractions that are definitely not to be missed. For instance, the Louvre Museum, located in the Louvre Palace on the Right Bank of the Seine, is the world's most popular art museum. Opened in 1793, it exhibits around 35,000 pieces of art and covers an area of more than 650,000 square foot.
Cited as the highest-priced strip of real estate in Europe, and known to the French as the most beautiful avenue in the world, the Champs- Élysées - an exclusive avenue housing an array of prestigious shops, cinemas and cafés - is a definite must see. The famous Arc de Triomphe also lies at its western end.
Of course, no trip to Paris would be complete without visiting the Eiffel Tower. Having become one of the most recognisable icons in the world, as well as the most visited paid monument globally, over 200,000,000 people have flocked to see it since its inception in 1889.
Not only is Paris legendary for its range of attractions, which offers the visitor a unique sight-seeing experience, but it is also a great destination for those seeking tranquillity and relaxation. Indeed, with its numerous parks and gardens, such as the Tuilenes Garden, there are many places to sit back and relax.
There is a plethora of attractions to see and do in just one visit to Paris. It is, therefore, worth planning your trip ahead, by booking early into one of the many hotels in Paris and creating an itinerary of places you want to see. Most find that once they've visited Paris, they will be drawn back again and again, so don't worry if you can't fit everything into one trip!
Isla Campbell writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.
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