Disangka Permen Strawberry, Bocah Ini Menangis Minta dibelikan Kondom kepada Ibunya

Terkadang anak kecil tak tahu apa yang dimintanya itu berguna untuk dirinya, bahkan hal yang tak boleh dan tabu pun bisa jadi ia merengek-rengek hanya untuk memuaskan rasa ingin tahunya. Apa yang kamu lakukan seandainya nanti jika sudah menjadi orang tua dan anakmu melakukan hal nyelenh yang mirip seperti video dibawah ini?
Yups dalam tayangan video terlihat seorang bocah laki-laki menangis terkaing-kaing minta dibelikan permen Strawberry di sebuah Apotek. Tentu saja sang ibu menolaknya mentah-mentah karna ia tahu permen yang disangka Strawberry tersebut adalah alat kontrasepsi kondom.

‘Belikan aku strawberry ini ma, enak betul kayaknya imbuh si bocah sambil terus merengek kepada ibunya. Terlihat si ibu bingung menjelaskan kepada anaknya bahwa barang tersebut bukanlah makanan melainkan sesuatu alat pertempuran.
Tapi si anak memang kepala batu, ia malah guling-gulingan di lantai terus memaksakan kehendaknya. Petugas apotek dan beberapa pembeli pun terkekeh-kekeh melihat fenomena unik tersebut, hingga seorang pembeli pun mengabadikannya dan “Video Alat Kontrasepsi Dikira Permen Strawberry” itu sekarang menjadi viral.
Seorang netizen wanita bernama Markonah yang kebetulan tak berada disitu menceritakan pengalamannya,’Wahh iya tuh bocah memang aneh tapi ngehek ya mas, masi kecil aja udah minta dibeliin cemilan kaya begituan..Pasti udah gedenya jadi kakek legend itu mah!!
Sumber:Kejadian aneh.com
Paris is the world's most popular tourist destination, attracting some 30 million visitors each year. Yet with so many fantastic cultural offerings - such as the city's countless museums and galleries - to prominent fashion, music and performance art scenes, there's something for everyone in Paris. So head to Paris this summer, and discover all the splendours of the city for yourself!
One of Paris' alluring qualities is that it caters to all types of holidaymakers. So whether you're seeking a romantic getaway, a cultural city break, or a relaxing holiday, Paris is sure to deliver with its colourful array of faces. Couples can relish in the city's many romantic spots, such as the top of the Eiffel Tower, the Champs-Elysées, the Arc de Triomphe, or along the Seine River for a moonlit walk. The city is also dotted with quaint cafes and restaurants, perfect for lovers to hide out in while enjoying a fine meal, delicious wine, and each other's company. After a romantic getaway in Paris, couples will discover just why it's called the "City of Love".
However, if you're after a cultural city break, rest assured Paris has much to keep you busy. With museum and gallery attractions like the Louvre, the Trocadéro, the Ile-de-France, and the Musée d'Orsay, you'll have more to see than you can imagine. Paris also hosts an array of seasonal events, many of which take place during the summer. From the Paris Jazz Festival to an array of popular concerts - like U2, Madonna and Coldplay - music lovers can enjoy seeing some of their favourite bands live in the spectacular city of Paris. If you enjoy theatre, you'll love the selection of performances lined up for this summer in Paris. From the March of the Dinosaurs to Mozart l'Opéra Rock, there's something for travellers of all ages.
Of course, Paris is also regarded as one of the fashion capitals of the world - so it's certainly worth perusing the city's shops, department stores, and chic boutiques - even if you only plan to window shop! Want to see the real face of fashion in Paris? Head to the avenue Montaigne or the rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré. If you prefer department stores, you might find just what you're looking for on the boulevard Haussmann, at the Madeleine, on the rue de Rivoli, or on the Left Bank.
With many a hotel in Paris just a few minutes' walk from the shopping districts, you'll find that after a hard day abusing your credit cards, you'll soon be back to the comfort of your temporary accommodation.
As far as the types of holidays that can be taken in Paris, the list goes on! So why wait? Book your flights and hotel in Paris today, and you could soon be on your way to enjoy the holiday of a lifetime.
Adam Singleton writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.
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