Kisah Inspiratif Polwan Salatiga Nyambi Jadi Tukang Tambal Ban Untuk Menambah Pembiayaan Keluarga..
Gantunglah cita-cita setinggi langit. Jika terjatuh, maka kau berada di antara bintang-bintang. Pepatah tersebut memang sudah sangat akrab di telinga, karena dipakai untuk memberi motivasi kepada orang agar tidak gampang menyerah. Seperti sosok wanita polisi bernama Eka Yuli Andini.
Wanita berusia 21 tahun asal Salatiga, Jawa Tengah, itu merupakan sosok polisi yang sangat menginspirasi. Eka Yuli Andini merupakan anggota Sabhara Polres Salatiga. Wanita berpangkat Bripda tersebut merupakan sosok pekerja keras yang pantang menyerah.
Meski telah menjadi seorang polwan, Bripda Eka Yuli Andini tidak pernah malu membantu orang tuanya yang berprofesi sebagai tukang tambal ban. Berdasarkan beberapa video viral yang dihimpun, Selasa (25/9/2018), Bripda Eka terlihat kucel karena bergelut dengan oli dan ban sepeda motor ketika membantu sang ayah di rumah. Namun, saat bertugas, penampilannya berubah rapi, bersih, dan tampak tegas selayaknya seorang polisi.
Meski telah menjadi seorang polisi, Bripda Eka tetap rendah hati. Motivasinya menjadi polwan semata-mata hanya ingin membanggakan kedua orang tuanya. Sebab, kedua orang tuanya mengharapkan dirinya menjadi polwan.
"Tujuan saya cuma ingin membahagiakan orang tua. Jadi, kalau pas tes saya selalu ingat kedua orang tua. Orang tua saya kan kurang mampu, jadi saya harus bisa membantu perekonomian keluarga dan mengangkat derajat mereka," kata Bripda Eka dalam video viral di Youtube.
Eka Yuli Andini berhasil lulus tes menjadi polwan tanpa mengeluarkan uang sogokan sepeser pun. Merasa memiliki banyak kekurangan, dia sangat giat berolahraga. Usaha dan doa yang tiada henti yang dilakukan Eka Yuli Andini berbuah manis.
Wanita alumnus SMK N 2 Salatiga itu akhirnya lolos seleksi menjadi polisi. Kini, dia yang awalnya bercita-cita menjadi reporter bertugas sebagai anggota Sabhara Polres Salatiga. Setiap pagi dia berangkat ke kantor dan sorenya membantu sang ayah menambal ban. Pekerjaan itu dilakukan tanpa merasa malu.
"Saya tidak malu. Soalnya dari pekerjaan ini juga orang tua membiayai saya sekolah sampai bisa menjadi seperti sekarang," sambung Bripda Eka bangga.
Almost all business houses in these days are using websites as their medium of communication. Due to this, the companies are expecting a maximum return from their website investments too, which implies the companies are after maximizing ROI on their website expenditure. Developing and maintaining an in-house web hosting service is a hassle for many companies, this is true especially in case a company is technically not so sound or if the company is a startup. Such entities which are not technically well-off are looking for a reliable and affordable web hosting service from an outsider. There are many companies that are offering pre and post-sale support to the entities that are thriving to create a web image.
Many corporate houses resort to these companies due to their affordable, reliable and unstinting support to their clients. These companies hire creative people with exceptionally well technical knowledge who are able to create excellent websites for third parties. They also offer a wide range of services to their clients who include designing, developing and maintaining the websites of the client. For those new-bees into the world of hosting services let's look at few basics and its servers,
• The firms help you in building and maintaining a website of your own.
• These companies offer a wide variety of services which include designing, developing, maintaining your online portal.
• Generally, all these companies offer their services with two types of servers. A shared server and a dedicated server.
• A shared server is the one which happens to be shared by multiple firms and dedicated server, on the other hand, is dedicated or devoted only to a particular firm.
• In general, shared servers are used by start-ups or business houses with affordability issues, while the dedicated servers are being used by affordable firms.
• Though both the servers serve the same purpose of the clients a dedicated server is preferred over a shared server due to their exclusivity.
• A dedicated server suits you if you are expecting a heavy traffic to your website while the shared one for fewer traffic websites.
• Hiring a web hosting service from a firm means hiring either of the servers on to which you upload scripts, data that needed to be uploaded and to be displayed to your customers.
As many business houses are incurring into e-commerce activities these days, hiring an affordable provider is a must if you would like to sustain for a longer duration in the market. Through your website you are meeting your customer, hence creating an image of your own in the minds of the customers get affected by the way you display to the market.
As many business houses are incurring into e-commerce activities in these days, hiring a affordable web hosting services partner is a must if you would like to sustain for a longer duration in the market.
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