Gedung Baru di Tiongkok Mirip Alat Viral Pria Jadi Kontroversi
Kisah unik terjadi di Nanning, Guanxi, Tiongkok kala ada gedung baru yang bentuknya mirip dengan alat viral pria. Tak pelak kehadiran gedung bernama Gedung Guanxi Media Center itu menjadi vira4 dan memicu kontroversi di antara netizen.
Foto gedung baru milip alat viral pria itu menyebar di berbagai akun media sosial, salah satunya di akun Twitter @CarlZha, 25 Agustus 2018 silam. "Tuan-tuan dan nyonya-nyonya, inilah gedung baru Guanxi Media Center di Nanning, China," tulisnya menyertakan foto gedung tersebut dari beberapa sudut pandang.
Sontak foto gedung tersebut memicu kontroversi di antara netizen. Tak sedikit yang menilai bentuk gedung yang kini viral tersebut benar-benar mirip dengan alat vital pria.
Dikutip dari Nextshark, Rabu (26/9/2018), gedung tersebut sebenarnya bukan didesain seperti alat viral pria. Gedung tersebut sebenarnya didesain agar mirip dengan pemandangan dataran tinggi di Guanxi yang bertingkat-tingkat seperti terasering.
Meski menjadi kontroversi di antara netizen lanaran dianggap mirip alat viral, warga di Nanning, Guanxi, Tiongkok tak mempermasalahkan bentuk bangunan tersebut. Mereka justru bangga ada gedung yang menggambarkan kondisi alam di Guanxi. Pada Senin (24/9/2018) lalu, gedung viral tersebut bahkan dimanfaatkan untuk menembakkan kembang api pada Festival Pertengahan Musim Gugur yang dirayakan warga Guanxi.
Every business house is transacting through an online portal in these days and operating without a website means near extinction to many businesses. Hence, in this most dynamic and highly competitive business environment, it is must for firms to design, develop and maintain their websites up to date. However, managing an in-house wing might be quite costly due to which many firms are outsourcing their website works to third parties. While a few firms are going with the generic models developed by the firms, many business houses prefer to have their own customized version of the website. Keeping in view the multitudinous needs of firms, companies are offering multiple affordable web hosting packages that can be customized as per client needs.
Let us look at a few famous web hosting packages and their features in the market.
• Free domain with Google marketing included.
• Unlimited disk, bandwidth, and emails
• Site builder and shopping cart for absolutely no cost.
• Free Bold Grid builder and templates
• Free website and c Panel migrations
• SSD storage that makes your site load up to 20 xs faster!
• Security suite including SSL and hack protection as an add-on.
• Unlimited bandwidth and emails
• A2-optimized caching and 1-click CMS installation.
• Up to unlimited email addresses, domains, and databases
• Advanced security features such as Hack Scan. These features prevent any UN wanted seepage of information.
• 24/7/365 support system.
• Few dedicated servers are coming up with specific benefits such as,
Single Domain
Unlimited Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited Emails
• The latest servers are named after cloud servers. These servers are fully managed servers where you can increase CPU/RAM to handle an increase in traffic to your website without any Downtime. These are powered by advanced Varnish/advanced caching to handle more traffic at faster speeds.
Apart from these packages, certain firms are offering add-on features such as, instant website development, DIY website builders, design exchange and much more which would allow you to choose a partner at your nearest location and for an affordable rate. The companies always strive hard to improve the quality of your visibility which in turn increases ROI on advertising.
To improve your ROI and to choose the right partner with affordability you need to cross check whether a particular web hosting package contains all the above-mentioned features or not. Apart from the above-stated features, it is essential to look for a partner who is offering excellent post-purchase support. If your package includes all the above features coupled with affordability then go for it otherwise keep looking, don't settle.
To improve your ROI and to choose the right partner with affordability you need to cross check whether a particular web hosting package contains all the above-mentioned features or not.
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