Mengharukan, Sejoli Korban Gempa Lombok Menikah di Tenda Pengungsian
Kisah unik nan mengharukan terjadi di tengah masa-masa duka akibat gempa bumi di Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). Sejoli korban gempa bumi di Desa Pohgading, Kecamatan Pringgabaya, Kabupaten Lombok Timur, Devi Novriawan dan Dewi Sinta, melangsungkan pernikahan di tenda pengungsian, Minggu (26/8/2018) lalu.
Kisah unik itu diungkapkan langsung Kepala Pusat Data Informasi dan Humas Badan Nasional Penangulangan Bencana Nasional (BNPB), Sutopo Purwo Nugrogo, melalui akun Twitternya, @Sutopo_PN.
Sutopo menjelaskan sepasang kekasih itu harus melangsungkan pernikahan di tenda pengungsian karena rumah mereka rusak digoyang gempa bumi.
"Meski rumah rusak dan berada di pengungsian. Devi Novriawan dan Dewi Sinta tetap melangsungkan pernikahan di Pohgading, Lombok Timur," tulis Sutopo menyertakan foto-foto pernikahan yang dimaksud.
Berdasarkan foto yang diunggah, sepasang kekasih tersebut memang tampak melangsungkan pernikahan di tenda pengungsian milik BNPB. Meski menikah di tengah masa duka gempa bumi Lombok, kedua insan yang saling jatuh cinta tersebut tampak sangat bahagia.
Tak lupa, Sutopo yang membeberkan kisah unik itu juga melontarkan ucapan selamat kepada Devi Novriawan dan Dewi Sinta.
"Mereka tetap bahagia. Semoga sakinah, mawadah dan warohmah. Selamat untuk kedua pengantin," tandas Kepala Pusat Data Informasi dan Humas BNPB tersebut.
As far as hosting goes, both small and large business have a lot of options to choose from. One of the most common options is shared hosting where the resources of a single server are shared among various websites. But if your business requires more power and resources, you can go for dedicated hosting. With this option, you rent a dedicated server, and all of the resources of that server will be dedicated to your website. Given below are some advantages you can enjoy if you go choose a dedicated server.
1. Server resources
The first major advantage is that you can use all of the resources of the server. Other websites won't compete for the resources of that server. So, your website won't slow down no matter how much traffic it gets. So, this is one big benefit that you can enjoy if you choose this route.
2. Performance and security
As far as performance and security goes, you can get maximum uptime. Often, shared hosting is an ideal choice for websites that have low to medium traffic. On the other hand, if you get a huge amount of traffic, you can't rely on this option as it won't be able to provide you with the right speed.
Aside from this, you will get maximum disk space. Moreover, you will get better security, which is more important if you handle sensitive transaction over SSL or FTP.
3. Flexibility
You have the freedom to customize the server based on your own needs. You won't be limited to specific apps, OS or other stuff. You can customize the server if you want to. You can use all of the apps you need to meet your needs. Other hosting options can't provide you with this flexibility.
4. Unique IP address
Your server will have its own IP address. On the other hand, shared hosting won't give you a unique IP address. Your website or blog rank may be pushed down if other sites on the same server do something that is against the policies of a search engine. Dedicated hosting is really important for you if you have a big e-commerce store to run.
Each server has its own unique IP address. With shared hosting, that means that you are also sharing an IP address with multiple other websites. If one of your neighbors is a spam site or an adult site, this could mean having your websites' rank pushed down.
5. Maintenance
If your business needs a dedicated server, you won't have to worry about maintaining the server on a regular basis as this will be on your provider. So, you can get the highest ROI while spending no time on the upkeep of the equipment. The service provider will keep on updating the server based on your needs.
So, these are some great benefits that you can enjoy if you choose to go for a dedicated hosting service instead of a shared one. Hope these tips will help you make the best choice.
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