Ditinggal Suami Nikah Lagi, Wanita Ini Ngojek Sambil Bawa 2 Anak
Seorang wanita rider ojek online di kawasan Jakarta menorehkan kisah tragis sekaligus kisah inspiratif dengan perjuangan hidupnya. Wanita tersebut diketahui harus menjadi rider ojek online untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya. Belum berhenti sampai di situ, wanita tersebut ternyata selalu membawa dua anaknya saat bertugas sebagai riderojek online.
Kisah tragis sekaligus kisah inspiratif yang kini viral itu kali pertama dibagikan pengguna akun Instagram @glamelforfood, Rabu (26/9/2018). Pengguna akun Instagram @glamelforfood membeberkan kisah tersebut setelah menggunakan si wanita rider ojek online itu untuk mengantarkan barang dari Jakarta Convention Center (JCC).
Tanpa menyebutkan namanya, dijelaskan wanita tersebut rela menjadi riderojek online yang khusus mengantarkan barang demi memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya. Setiap melayani pengguna jasanya, wanita tersebut selalu membawa kedua anaknya.
Ternyata, wanita tersebut harus menjalani kisah tragis seperti itu setelah ditinggal suaminya menikah lagi dengan wanita lain. "Ternyata, ibu Gojek ini tulang punggung keluarga, suaminya sudah nikah lagi dan ketahuan kasar ke anaknya. Sampai detik ini anak-anaknya sudah tidak dapat nafkah dari mantan suaminya," jelas pengguna akun Instagram @glamelforfood.
Wanita tersebut selalu membawa kedua anaknya saat menjadi tukang ojek lantaran ia kapok menggunakan jasa pengasuh anak. "Karena ibu ini enggak punya siapa-siapa lagi yang bisa dititipin anaknya. Sempet sewa yang momong anak, tapi malah uangnya habis ga karuan tapi anaknya ga keurus sama yang momong ini," lanjutnya.
Tak pelak kisah tragis sekaligus kisah inspiratif dari wanita tangguh tersebut langsung viral dan menuai rasa iba dari netizen. Bahkan, banyak netizen yang menawarkan bantuan materi kepada si wanita rider ojek online.
Pengguna akun Instagram @glamelforfood yang kali pertama mengunggah kisah tersebut pun melontarkan rasa terima kasihnya kepada netizen yang telah ramai memberikan bantuan. Ia berharap si wanita rider ojek online itu bisa keluar dari kisah tragis yang menjeratnya.
Are you planning to host a website on your own? Are you juggled with so many questions such as, How to decide whether a web host is good or not? Do bandwidth and disk storage features still matter these days? Which type of web hosting provider suits your entity? If you have all these questions in your mind and are looking for an affordable web hosting provider then let's explore few key points to be kept in mind while signing up with one.
• Know your hosting needs - Knowing what you want must be your priority always. You can never get the right and affordable web hosting provider without knowing what exactly you seek from them. So, before meeting a host explore answers to the below questions on your own,
• What sort of website are you building?
• Do you want a shared platform or a dedicated one?
• What could be the application of your website?
• What could be the web traffic volume you are expecting?
• What do you want to create with your website i.e., ROI expecting out of your website expenditure?
• Study your partner well in advance - What to look for in a web host?
Once you are clear on your priorities next is to investigate the reliability of the web host in the market and study about the provider thoroughly before signing up with them. If you are a newbie or a small enterprise a shared hosting account is preferable over a dedicated one.
• Reliable Server - Having a server that operates 24/7 is very important when launching a website on your own. Proper maintenance is necessary in order to ensure a flawless, continuous service to the customers. So, you need to choose a company which is operating on a powerful server and stable network connections.
• Server Upgrading - Whether it is a shared server or a dedicated server keeping web pages up to date and accessible is the responsibility of the web host. Hence, choose a partner who is keeping the servers up to date as per technological advancements of the market. If you are expecting a heavy traffic to your website, inform your web hosting provider before in hand so that they can maintain and manage the server efficiently and effectively.
• Hosting Sign up vs. Renewal Costs - Whether it is a shared server or a dedicated server you must incur the cost of installation and maintenance of the server. You must also incur the cost of renewal every year or at the end of your agreement term. Though the cost of signing up for a company is cheaper, the cost of maintenance and renewal are quite pinching. Hence, if you are a newbie or a small enterprise goes to a shared server, at least the cost of maintenance can be lowered. But you cannot escape from renewal costs in any case unless you hoop between two or three web hosts every two years you cannot escape renewal costs.
It is advisable to choose a affordable web hosting provider by chalking out an agreement even for renewal costs at the time of signing up for website.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9823416