Ngeri! Saat Tiba di Lokasi Jatuh Pesawat Tim Langsung Menemukan Ini, Merinding Banget!

Kabar jatuhnya pesawat Lion Air dengan nomor penerbangan JT-610 rute Jakarta-Pangkal Pinang sontak membuat kaget seluruh negeri. Pesawat dilaporkan jatuh di wilayah Tanjung Karawang, Jawa Barat. Petugas lantas langsung menyisir lokasi diduga jatunya pesawat tersebut.
Petugas yang berasal dari Tanjung Priok melaporkan kapal pertama yang sampai ke lokasi kecelakaan pesawat menemukan hal yang cukup mengerikan dan bikin merinding, Petugas menemukan bagian pesawat dalam keadaan hancur dan berbentuk serpihan. Tak hanya itu, yang membuat lebih ngeri adalah turut ditemukan pula potongan tubuh diduga merupakan penumpang pesawat Lion Air.
"Dari oleh kapal pertama melihat serpihan-serpihan," kata Suyadi, salah seorang petugas saay dihubungitim
Sebelumnya humas Basarnas Yusuf Latif memberikan keterangan bahwa benar pesawat tersebut telah jatuh di perairan tanjung Karawang, Jawa Barat.
"A1 jatuh," jelas Yusuf.
Tim Basarnas lang menerjunkan tim dengan sejumlah personel untuk menyisir lokasi jatuhnya pesawat. Sebelumnya pesawat dikabarkan hilang kotak beberapa menit setelah lepas landas dari Bandara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta Pukul 06.00 WIB, Senin (29/10/2018). Sebelumnya disebutkan bahwa Pesawat sempat hilang dari jangkauan radar sebelum akhirnya hilang kontak dengan otoritas Bandara.
Puing Pesawat Lion Air di Tanjung Karawang (Foto: Twitter Sutopo BNPB)
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Everyone likes to take off and just chill out and relax, be pampered to their hearts content and not have a care in the world. If money is no object there are plenty of luxurious hotels all over the world that allow you to do just this, here are some tips to help you choose a hotel.
Head over to the Caribbean island of St Lucia and enjoy at stay at the Marigot Bay, visit the marina, known all over the globe, relax in luxurious guest rooms, enjoy the stunning views from spacious balconies and take a walk around the tropical gardens. Choose to relax and enjoy a drink in one of the two bars set in the lush gardens, enjoy fine dining or choose a more relaxed way of eating, buffet style, this is paradise unlike any other.
The Royal Mirage in Dubai is a luxurious beach resort where guests can choose from 20 suites and prestige rooms all offering every amenity one could wish for, the hotel is an intimate sanctuary where one can go for peace and quiet. Don't forget to pay a visit to the health and beauty institute, offering authentic massages and steam baths and enjoy a menu offering only the very best ingredients in the exclusive restaurant.
Head over to London and the take tea at the Ritz, the hotel has been restored to its former glory and splendor, with guest rooms having all amenities you may have come to expect from a world class hotel. During your stay at one of the most luxurious hotels in the UK make sure you dine in the music room banquet hall, and be pampered in one of the treatment rooms.
The Four Seasons in Florence is one of the very best hotels in the world when it comes to luxury, guests can relax in a setting that is breathtaking, in the grounds of an estate with park and gardens. Here you are offered all the mod cons expected in a world of innovation blended with the authentic and a level of service second to none, relax in the outdoor swimming pool or enjoy pampering in one of the 9 treatment rooms, then get your hair and nails done, relaxation at its finest is yours.
There is nowhere more luxurious in the world when looking for a hotel than Monte Carlo, and the Hotel de Paris is the place to stay during your vacation, this traditional hotel offers guests a superb level of service and rooms with stunning views of the Med. When staying at one of this one of the finest hotels, the Le Louis XV, a restaurant on the rooftop with a view of the harbor is the place to eat, and what could be more relaxing than enjoying a massage while looking out over the clear blue sea?
Mary Louise enjoys writing about the very best [] in luxury [] products, services and people.
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