Saat Sakit, Tak Dijenguk. Saat Bagi Warisan, Semua Datang Secepat Kilat. Ayah Pun Berikan "Ganjaran Setimpal" untuk Kedurhakaan Mereka!

Jojo, anak sulung menelepon kedua abangnya yang sudah berkeluarga. "Kak, kalau ada waktu, pulanglah jenguk ayah. Ia sedang sakit keras.."
Namun kedua abangnya tak menggubrisnya dan tak kunjung pulang.
Istri-istri kedua abangnya juga sama saja kelakuannya. Yang mereka pikirkan hanyalah uang, uang, dan uang...
"Awas saja kalau kamu berani pulang!! Dia telepon kamu demi apa coba? Demi minta UANG lah!" ancam istri abang pertama.

Abang kedua juga sama saja. Abang pertama masih merasa kasihan dengan ayahnya, namun abang kedua malah melengos. "Ngapain pulang?!"
Jojo pun mengabarkan kabar sedih ini kepada ayahnya. Ia tidak tega, namun inilah kenyataan yang tidak bisa dipungkiri.
Ayah Jojo tahu jelas apa yang diinginkan anak-anaknya itu. Ia pun memerintah Jojo untuk menghubungi mereka lagi. "Kamu bilang saja aku mau bagi warisan.."
Dan benar saja, tanpa babibu lagi, kedua abang Jojo langsung pulang bersama istri mereka. Tanpa basa-basi lagi, mereka berebut warisan di depan ayah mereka.
"Aku adalah anak sulung. Seharusnya warisan rumah ini buatku semua!" kata abang pertama.
"Rumah milikku sekarang kecil banget, jadi harusnya warisan rumah ini buatku!" kata abang kedua.
Mereka tidak lupa menambahkan, "Jojo ini anak pungut, jadi nggak berhak dapat warisan!"
Jojo pun dengan rendah hati berkata, "Aku tahu aku ini anak pungut, jadi warisannya buat kalian berdua saja separoh-separoh.."
Dengan kejam istri abang pertama mengatakan, "Tahu diri juga kamu!"
Tak disangka, sang ayah berusaha duduk dan kemudian mengatakan "Sekarang kalian baru ngaku kalian itu anak kandungku hah? Jangan ngarep bisa dapat warisanku. Warisanku kukasih semua ke Jojo!"
Saking marah, ulu hati ayah pun terasa perih. Jojo segera melarikan ayahnya ke rumah sakit. "Ayah, sabar yah..aku segera bawa ayah ke RS.."
Kedua anak kandung dan para istri pun hanya bisa melengos karena sudah tidak ada kesempatan mendapat warisan lagi.
Jangan melupakan pengorbanan yang telah dilakukan orang tuamu hanya karena telah dibutakan oleh harta benda. Pada akhirnya, semua akan kembali menjadi debu dan tanah, dan harta benda pun tidak bisa kamu bawa pergi ke akhirat.
Sumber: Youtube
In order to accelerate delivery of content we need to make sure that the source of data is in close proximity of the end user. By minimizing distances between the content and the user, website speed can be improved significantly for an enhanced user experience and improved business prospects.
Understanding CDNs (Content Delivery Network)
Content delivery network (CDN) is primarily designed to mitigate latency by bringing content closer to end users. Imagine that you have placed content in servers that are situated in USA and are targeting users from Asia. There will be significant latency on account of multiple hops that may be required for content reach users in Asia. However, if the same content is readily available in servers that are placed in Asia, then the delivery will be much faster.
Content Delivery Network consists of a distributed network of web servers that are aimed at faster delivery of web content thereby enhancing availability and speed of websites. Since the original content is available in the form of copied content throughout the network, end-users are able to access the content from a CDN server that is closest to them. This significantly reduces loads on original server because numbers of users requesting content from a single server is remarkably reduced.
CDN improves optimum utilization of network resources while enhancing user experience to a great extent. CDN operators are approached by media enterprises or eCommerce companies to accelerate delivery of their content to their end users. CDN service providers need to engage services of hosting providers to host CDN servers in their data centers in diverse locations according to presence of end users.
Significant features of CDN services
As mentioned earlier, locations of CDN servers plays a vital role to build highly efficient network that effectively improves availability and distribution of content with reference to targeted audience. Since the basic objective of a Content Delivery Network is instant delivery of requested content, the delivery nodes contain cached content that run one or more delivery applications and are placed close to end users.
Fundamentals purpose of storage nodes is to provision data to delivery nodes in the form of cached content and to protect origin servers by deploying the content in hierarchical model for facilitating tiered caching. Master nodes that store the content are known as origin nodes. Numbers of origin nodes can be increased to for allowing scalable and resilient operations. All components of CDN including routing, monitoring, and management are hosted in control node.
Deployment of CDN nodes is usually executed at multiple locations covering multiple backbones for mitigation of bandwidth costs and enhancing page load times as well as global availability of content. Different forms of CDN architectures can be designed to cater to workloads according to individual requirements.
CDNs can primarily handle three types of content including static content, dynamic content, and streaming content. Static content is produced by using standard programming languages including java, php, or ruby while static content such as CSS, images, and JavaScript is not associated with any change. There is a growing demand for streaming content that includes audio or video files.
Importance of CDNs for enhanced optimization
Contemporary users need to browse content on their mobile devices. Latency is an important factor to be considered for delivering content to mobile devices. Delivery to these devices must be backed by an aggressive strategy for optimization. CDNs help reduce latency for an enhanced user experience.
Every website should aim at enhancing users experience by promoting interactive and informative content. This calls for web optimization efforts to improve speeds of vital elements of websites such as file formats, images, and pages among others.
Performances of commercial websites have a direct impact on revenue earnings and overall perception of brands. One can hardly overlook performances of websites because more and more online shoppers are using mobile devices and as per one the forecasts, by end 2017, as many as 26 percent eCommerce sales will be attributed to smartphones.
It is also interesting to note that customers who are prepared to wait for around 15 minutes in supermarket queues are sure to abandon an eCommerce site that takes more than four seconds to load.
Role of CDNs in improving user experience
CDNs make the content reach across the globe much faster to improve conversion rates and user experience. These are also highly efficient in resolving latency related issues. Modern CDNs leverage cloud acceleration and Points of Presence at global locations for accelerating global delivery of content.
CDNs (Content Delivery Network) improve performance by reducing network load. Multiple edge servers reduce bottlenecks and traffic congestion at central server by intelligently distributing visitors to nearest CDN POPs. CDNs also improve reliability of content delivery irrespective of distances between central server and end users. These are also highly reckoned for load balancing effect since network load is effectively redirected to servers.
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