Ajak Adik dan Kakak Masuk Islam Namun Ditolak, Dialah Orang Indonesia Pertama Naik Haji

Menunaikan ibadah haji merupakan rukun Islam ke-5, dan hukumnya wajib bagi yang mampu. Tak hanya dari Indonesia, banyak juga jemaah haji yang berasal dari seluruh dunia, termasuk dari negara-negara Barat. Namun, tahukah kamu siapa orang Indonesia yang pertama kali menunaikan ibadah haji tersebut?
Prof. Dadan Wildan Anas menyebutkan dalam naskah “Carita Parahyangan”, bahwa pemeluk agama Islam yang pertama kali di tanah Sunda adalah Bratalegawa. Bratalegawa adalah putra kedua Prabu Guru Pangandiparamarta Jayadewabrata atau Sang Bunisora penguasa kerajaan Galuh (1357-1371). Ia menjadi raja menggantikan kakaknya, Prabu Maharaja (1350-1357) yang gugur dalam perang Bubat, yaitu peperangan antara Pajajaran dengan Majapahit.
Referensi pihak ketiga - jadiberita.com
Bratalegawa memilih hidupnya sebagai seorang saudagar dan sering melakukan pelayaran ke Sumatera, Tiongkok, India, Srilanka, Iran, bahkan sampai ke negeri Arab. Ia menikah dengan seorang muslimah dari Gujarat bernama Farhana binti Muhammad. Melalui pernikahan ini, Bratalegawa memeluk Islam. Sebagai orang yang pertama kali menunaikan ibadah haji di kerajaan Galuh, ia dikenal dengan sebutan Haji Purwa.
Referensi pihak ketiga - jadiberita.com
Setelah menunaikan ibadah haji, Haji Purwa beserta istrinya kembali ke kerajaan Galuh di Ciamis pada tahun 1337 Masehi. Di Galuh ia menemui adiknya, Ratu Banawati, untuk bersilaturahmi sekaligus mengajaknya masuk Islam. Tetapi upayanya itu tidak berhasil. Dari Galuh, Haji Purwa pergi ke Cirebon Girang untuk mengajak kakaknya, Giridewata atau Ki Gedeng Kasmaya yang menjadi penguasa kerajaan Cirebon Girang, untuk memeluk Islam. Namun kakaknya pun menolak.
Naskah kuno selain “Carita Parahyangan” yang mengisahkan orang-orang zaman dulu yang telah berhasil menunaikan ibadah haji adalah “Carita Purwaka Caruban Nagari” dan naskah-naskah tradisi Cirebon seperti “Wawacan Sunan Gunung Jati”, “Wawacan Walangsungsang”, dan “Babad Cirebon”. Dalam naskah-naskah tersebut disebutkan adanya tokoh lain yang pernah menunaikan ibadah haji yaitu Raden Walangsungsang bersama adiknya Rarasantang. Keduanya adalah putra Prabu Siliwangi, Raja Pajajaran, dan pernah berguru agama Islam kepada Syekh Datuk Kahpi selama tiga tahun di Gunung Amparan Jati Cirebon.
Referensi pihak ketiga - jadiberita.com
Sementara dari kesultanan Banten, jemaah haji yang dikirim pertama kali adalah utusan Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Ketika itu, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa berkeinginan memajukan negerinya baik dalam bidang politik diplomasi maupun di bidang pelayaran dan perdagangan dengan bangsa-bangsa lain.
Referensi pihak ketiga - jadiberita.com
Dari naskah-naskah tersebut, memang sulit untuk mengetahui siapa orang Indonesia yang pertama kali naik haji, namun diyakini bahwa orang Indonesia yang pertama naik haji adalah Bratalegawa.
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Sumber: jadiberita.com/105724/mengenal-orang-indonesia-pertama-yang-naik-haji.html
Paris is a place for lovers to go to for romance and rekindling the flame. Paris is an expensive city, but only because there are so many amazing things that are offered to people. One of the most romantic places two people can go is the Eiffel Tower at sunset. When going up the tower there are many pieces of art being displayed on the inside on stands for you to look at. If you go to the second level you have the perfect view looking out over all of Paris. It is just breathtaking what you will see.
Le Bristol Hotel Paris is breathtaking on the outside and the inside and is not that far from the Eiffel Tower. They have a courtyard with tables set up so you can relax and enjoying the calming view. You can enjoy each others conversations while looking at the different trees and running water fountains. Nice quiet setting for snuggling up to each other.
The rooms are very spacious and have fresh flowers on the tables. If you want to enjoy a nice dinner and the views of the garden you can step out onto the balcony and have your romantic dinner in the Paris fresh air. If you do not want to eat in the room you can come down to the winter restaurant, it is very elegant with crystal glasses sitting on the tables. Fresh plants are placed around the room and sitting on tables for all to enjoy. It is lit up by many chandeliers giving off just the right amount of light. The walls are decorated with hand pained pictures that have great detail. The waiters were very friendly and quick and the food just makes the mouth water it is perfectly cooked and blended with the spices.
Le Bristol Hotel has just the place for a person. It is called the Anne Semonin beauty salon and they do more then massages. They offer armor therapy treatments for the face or the body. This was heavenly and so relaxing. The employees are excellent and know what they are doing.
The Le Bristol Hotel has many services offered to the guests. There is a florist for purchasing fresh flowers. This could definitely set the mood of your evening by getting fresh flowers and going up to your room to surprise someone.
Le Bristol Hotel is expensive, but it is an excellent hotel and you will not be disappointed.
The Le Bristol Hotel Paris has many of the same things in common as the Eiffel Tower. There are beautiful gardens around for strolling in or just have a nice conversation. The restaurants in both serve cuisine you will want more of. There is art throughout that you can stop and enjoy and learn some things about Paris. Last but not least they both have breathtaking views that you will remember for years to come. Take plenty of pictures so you will always remember the evening you had a both places.
John is an experienced traveler and loves his Paris vacations. To learn more about Paris vacations as well as Bristol Hotel Paris [http://www.parishotelsadvice.com/bristol-hotel-paris/] check out his vacation website on http://www.parishotelsadvice.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Smitth/507303
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