Diduga Mencuri Ponsel, ABG Diamuk Massa, Dipukuli dan Disiram Bensin Sh4re Agar Pelakunya Tertangkap,,

DUA ABG dimasukkan ke kandang monyet, kemudian disiram bensin dan dipukuli ramai-ramai. Korban dihakimi lantaran diduga mencuri ponsel di salah satu rumah warga di Desa Kesesirejo Kecamatan Bodeh, Kabupaten Pemalang, Jawa Tengah.
Salah satu korban penganiayaan diketahui bernama Rizal Saputra (16), warga Dusun Karangasem RT 02 RW 01 Kecamatan Bodeh.
Sedangkan pelaku penganiayaan berjumlah tiga orang, yakin Zainal Mustakim, Jamil, dan Slamet Riyadi. Ketiganya merupakan warga Desa Kesesirejo, Bodeh.
Kini, polisi masih mengejar pelaku. Diduga, para pelaku telah kabur ke Jakarta untuk menyelamatkan diri.
”Dimungkinkan terduga pelaku lari ke Jakarta dan ini masih dilakukan pengejaran,” ucap Kasat Reskrim Polres Pemalang AKP Suhadi.
Menurut Suhadi, penganiayaan tersebut terjadi pada Sabtu (03/11), sekitar pukul 13.00 WB. Kejadian bermula saat korban Rizal Saputra dan temannya Rian dijemput dua orang pelaku menggunakan sepeda motor. Kedua korban dibawa ke rumah Agus Tamrin di Desa Kesesirejo RT 08 RW 01.
Kedua korban, lanjut Suhadi, dituduh Zaenal telah mengambil dua unit handpone dari dalam rumah Agus Tamrin. Sebab, sekitar dua minggu sebelumnya, korban menginap di rumah Agus Tamrin.
Karena ditakut-takuti oleh pelaku, korban kemudian mengaku mengambil dua handphone tersebut.
Korban juga mengaku telah menjualnya HP tersebut kepada orang lain di wilayah Kesesi, Kabupaten Pekalongan seharga Rp1 juta.
Setelah itu, korban dibawa ke belakang rumah Agus Tamrin. Kedua korban disiram bensin oleh Zaenal. Korban kemudian dimasukan ke dalam kandang monyet, lalu dipukuli bergantian oleh ketiga pelaku hingga terluka.
Saat ini, kedua korban sudah dilimpahkan ke unit Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak (PPA) Satreskrim Polres Pemalang. (Alz)
(Sumber: Pojoksatu)
You are ready to plan a trip of a lifetime to Paris. Your accommodations are important.
As soon as you know you will be traveling to Paris you should make hotel reservations. This is especially true if you will be traveling later in spring, or during the summer or fall because these are very busy times in Paris.
There are several ways to go about this if you plan to make the hotel reservations yourself. Calling is one way to get the information you need but sometimes the staff have a difficult time understanding English. E-mailing works well and so does sending a fax because many times the staff can read English better than they can understand and speak it.
You should specify the date you will be arriving and how long you plan to stay. Give the number of people in your party. Explain whether you are looking for a single or a double room and also the type of room; standard, deluxe or a suite. Give specifications for the size of bed and whether you are looking for a private or shared bathroom with a tub, shower, or both.
Find out if you will need a deposit and what the cancellation policy is.It is always a good idea to confirm all arrangements and ask for a return e-mail or fax with all the information.
When you arrive in Paris and get to your hotel you may discover that many aspects of the accommodations may vary in quality. Room and bath size as well as noise level and natural light can be different from room to room. If you are not satisfied with your accommodations you should ask to see another room.
Plan ahead and you will find a lovely place to stay in Paris
For more info on Travel to [http://www.toursandtravelsonline.com] Paris [http://www.toursandtravelsonline.com] you may visit [http://www.toursandtravelsonline.com/Paris]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Gauri_Manikandan/39097
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/555983