Kisah Haru Pesan Terakhir Pramugari Lion Air: Tak Pulang, Mau Terbang Terus

Keluarganya tak menyangka Mery Yulyanda pergi secepat ini. Pramugari cantik ini berpamitan akan terbang terus.
Dream – Suasana duka memenuhi kediaman pramugari Lion Air PK-LQP, Mery Yulyanda. Seluruh keluarga dan kerabat menangisi kedatangan jenazah Mery.
Mereka tak menyangkan perempuan periang itu meninggal secepat ini.
Kakek Mery, Darman, mengenang cucunya adalah sosok penyayang keluarga, terutama kepada sang ibu.
" Orangnya penurut banget, sayang dan patuh sama orang tua," ucap dia, di kediaman korban, Perumahan Golden Kirana, Solear, Tangerang, dikutip, Sabtu 10 November 2018.

Darman mengatakan, Mery merupakan anak tunggal. Wanita ini sempat mengucapkan “ pesan terakhir” sebelum menjadi ikut penerbangan JT610 itu pada Senin 29 Oktober lalu itu.
" Sebelum kecelakaan dia sempat pamit. Dan mengatakan sudah melakukan perpanjangan kontrak kerja bulan Oktober," kata dia
Tak Dapat Firasat, Namun...
Darman mengaku tak mendapat firasat, kalau cucunya yang berpamitan sebelum terbang itu akan pergi selamanya.
"Habis tanda tangan kontrak dia pamit, terus bilang kalau dia bakal jarang pulang atau enggak pulang karena mau terbang terus, gitu bilangnya," kata dia.
Mery akhirnya berhasil teridentifikasi oleh tim DVI melalui DNA. Jenazah Mery dimakamkan di TPU Ciparanje Kulo, kecamatan Solear, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten.
Hingga saat ini, total jenazah korban Lion Air yang berhasil terindentifikasi sebanyak 71 korban.
Paris is one of the world's fascinating and vibrant capitals. The city simply pulsates with energy and culture. Dubbed as the City of Light, Paris' 20 arrondisements offer diverse attractions and experience for the discriminating tourist. For first time visitors, exploring Paris can both be exciting and a bit overwhelming. There are many things to see and to do - from visiting its numerous museums and national monuments, lazing around its royal gardens, shopping for designer outfits along its chic streets, sampling the city's gastronomic delights, sipping coffee in the Parisian sidewalk cafes, or just soaking the vibe in along the river Sienne. Some say it takes a lifetime to discover the city's delights but if you only have a weekend in Paris, be sure to visit these top attractions:
1. Eiffel Tower - built in 1889 for the World Exposition, the Eiffel Tower is perhaps one of the world's most recognizable monuments. Towering 324 meters above the city, the tower was highly criticized before its construction because of its perceived monstrosity. Now, a trip to Paris is not complete without a visit to the Eiffel Tower. Make sure to go up as the tower provides amazing views of Paris. It is accessible by stairs but if you're feeling lazy and you have extra euros to burn, you can always take the lift. The tower is also home to two restaurants - Altitude 95 on the first floor and the expensive Jules Verne on the second floor. For 11.50 euros, you can also stage a proposal at the top of the Eiffel Tower (a la Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes), that is, if you don't mind sharing the space with Paris' thousands of visitors. Be sure to go there early as the queue gets really long.
2. Arc d' Triomphe - another famous Parisienne landmark, the Arc d' Triomphe offers a panoramic view of Paris' widest street, the Avenue des Champs-Elysées. The monument was built to honor the French Army whose names are inscribed under the arc. The best way to enjoy this attraction is to go up the monument and breathe in Paris' chic boutiques and cafes along the Champs- Elysées.
3. Notre Dame Cathedral - this is not your ordinary cathedral as it witnessed the enthronement of Henry VI and Napoleon I. Famed for its impressive stained glass and its gothic architecture, the Notre Dame is a must-see for any visitor in Paris.
4. Sacre Coeur - located in Mortmarte, the Sacre Coeur is best viewed at night. You have the option of walking up the steps to reach the basilica or you can also take the lift to the top. This white church glows amazingly at night and presents the most stunning nighttime view in all of Paris. The nuns' enchanting vespers is also a plus for the early evening visit.
5. Paris is also home to some of the best hotels in the world. Why not make the most of your trip to Paris and stay at one of the city's many romantic hotels.
Dara Ward operates many travel websites including Hotels in Paris [] which offers the widest selection on all Paris Hotels [] He is an expert author on ezine articles.
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