Sang Ustaz Beber Alasan Roger Danuarta Jadi Mualaf

Ustaz Mokoginta angkat suara terkait keputusan Roger Danuarta yang menjadi mualaf. Menurutnya, pesinetron ganteng itu sudah lama mengenal Islam.
Sebagai ustaz, pria paruh baya ini hanya membimbing Roger Danuarta mengucap dua kalimat syahadat.
"Menurut dia (Roger Danuarta) sudah lama (tahu soal Islam). Dia bergaul dengan teman-teman yang Islam, dan akhirnya dia tertarik," kata Ustaz Mokoginta seperti dilansir JawaPos, baru-baru ini.
Sebelum memulai prosesi pengislaman, kata Ustaz Mokoginta, dirinya melakukan wawancara pada Roger Danuarta terkait niat dia ingin masuk Islam. "Lama sekali saya interview (pada Roger), tapi kalau sudah niat gimana ya,” ujarnya.
Waktu yang lebih banyak dia habiskan di lokasi syuting dan rutinitas teman-teman yang salat, mengaji, dan puasa, menuntun Roger untuk lebih serius mendalami Islam.
“Grup pertemanan dia banyak yang Muslim. Teman-temannya di sinetron itu juga. Melihat mereka salat, puasa, dan selalu bareng-bareng mereka, itu yang membuatnya tertarik,” jelas sang ustaz.
Meski tidak ada keluarga yang mendampingi saat pengucapan kalimat syahadat, Roger mengaku telah mengantongi izin dari keluarga. “Ibunya juga tahu dia masuk Islam. Temen-temennya aja sih yang datang kemarin, tapi ibu dan keluarganya tahu dan nggak ada pertentangan,” tandasnya
Sumber:. (jpc/jpnn)
Paris is more than just the city of love. Upon one's stay in this sophisticated paradise, one will discover that there are festivities not worth missing. The tourism in Paris is set ablaze by the annual celebrations in this city. The following are just to name a few.
• French Open. It is officially called the Tournoi de Roland-Garros. It is one of the major tennis Grand Slam tournaments held between late-May to early June for two weeks at the Stade the Roland Garros. It is considered a prestigious tennis tournament and is broadcasted in the entire world.
• Paris Autumn Festival. A festival that is held for the sake of culture and the arts. It exhibits various presentations including art, dance, opera and sculpture just to name a few. Artists from all over the world gather to witness and participate in this event.
• Le Salon du Chocolat. This event takes place in late October in the convention center beneath Louvre. Le Salon du Chocolat celebrates the history of chocolate and applies it into culture, arts and fashion by creating art and apparel from chocolate itself. This is definitely an event to indulge in!
• Paris Carnival. The Paris Carnival is a yearly colorful parade of costumes in the streets organized by Les Furnantes de Pantruche. In 2009, 15,000 participants joined in and 40,000 spectators arrived in the event.
• Christmas at Notre Dame in Paris. The Notre Dame is lighted during the Christmas season and accentuates the marvelous gothic architecture. Paris hosts various Christian activities in this church. On Christmas Eve, masses are held to accommodate the number of Parisians.
• Paris Hike from the Eiffel Tower. Every year, hikers of all ages from all over the world gather in Randonnee du Rallye Tour. This activity aims to discover the beauty of Paris while engaging in this challenge.
Participants may choose on the distance of their walk. The hike is going to happen, whether it rains of shines!
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