Dokter Muda Rela Donorkan Hati untuk Guru yang Dibencinya
Kisah inspiratif datang dari Jerome Chin, 25, dokter muda di Malaysia yang rela menyumbangkan 67% hatinya kepada guru yang pernah mengajarnya saat masih duduk di bangku sekolah dasar (SD), Leong Fong Peng.
Padahal, ia pernah merasa benci setengah mati kepada gurunya tersebut lantaran sang guru pernah memukulnya.
Dilaporkan Nextshark, Kamis (27/9/2018), Chin mengaku pernah diajar Leong Fong Peng pada 2003 di Sekolah Dasar Kong Min, Kuantan, Malaysia, pada 2003 silam. Ia mengaku pernah sangat membenci Leong Fong Peng.
"Saya pernah membencinya karena pernah memukul saya saat membolos, namun saya mulai mengerti apa yang ia lakukan demi kebaikan saya," ungkap pria penebar kisah inspiratif tersebut.
Pada Juli 2018 lalu, Chin mengetahui guru SD-nya tersebut menderita penyakit kuning yang membutuhkan donor hati. Tak pelak kisah tragis yang mendera Leong Fong Peng memicu Chin untuk berniat mendonorkan hatinya.
Setelah menjalani tes dan hatinya dinyatakan cocok untuk Leong Fong Peng, Chin langsung memutuskan untuk mendonorkan hatinya. Bukan secara keseluruhan, Chin mendonorkan 67% bagian hatinya demi menyelamatkan guru SD-nya tersebut.
Meski sempat ditentang ayahnya, Chin tetap memutuskan mendonorkan 67% hatinya. Sebagai dokter, Chin yakin keputusannya itu tak berpengaruh buruk pada kesehatannya.
Transplantasi hati Chin dan Leong Fong Peng akhirnya berhasil dilakukan di National University Hospital Singapura, 6 September 2018 lalu. Meski operasi berhasil, Leong Fong Peng masih membutuhkan perawatan intensif di rumah sakit. Sedangkan Chin dinyatakan sehat setelah mendonorkan 67% hatinya.
Di sisi lain, Chin yang telah menorehkan kisah inspiratif itu menolak jika dirinya disebut sebagai pahlawan. Ia merasa hanya sebagai orang yang tepat di waktu dan tempat yang tepat bagi Leong Fong Peng.
Establishing a user-friendly and affordable website is a must for every sort of business in these days as many business houses rely on websites to meet their ultimate customers. This increased reliance on websites and online interaction with the customers has increased the costs of installing and maintaining a website. However, many startups are struggling to design, develop and maintain a website of their own at the embryonic stages of business due to heavy financial crunch. Keeping in view such entities which are trying to make their mark in this competitive market, many major firms and consultants are coming up with the services at reasonable and affordable prices.
These companies design a few basic websites which can be customized as per client requirements. A few of those generic model websites are offered for free while customized websites are offered at affordable rates. Besides, financial crunch the startup or small enterprises also face stereotypes and prejudices of their own team members while convincing them to launch a website service of their own. Majority of the opposition from team members stem from cost concerned and to address these cost or financial issues attached to designing and developing a website the startups always look for an affordable service. To help start-ups and small enterprises to cope up with such issues here we are endorsing a few series of steps to be followed while executing an agreement with the company. These suggestions could help you in choosing an affordable and reliable partner for your embryo,
• List your priorities and features that you wish to add to your website.
• Search for reliable and competitive web hosting companies in the market.
• List out the generic models of the best web hosting companies that you would like to execute an agreement with.
• Use matching concept in order to select the company that is offering the design almost similar to your desired one.
• Make your budget before arranging a meeting with the potential partner.
• Communicate your requirements and also include the generic models they are offering which are suitable for you with minimal modifications.
• Offer a rate and negotiate the cost as per your budget.
• Before executing the final agreement keep in mind you ensure your rights and liabilities well and any mismatch in verbal and written agreement must be addressed before signing the final agreement.
As the majority of the services by companies are irreversible at least for some time, you must pay attention to the bundle of services that are coming along with the basic product. Pay attention to the add-ons such as maintenance, around the clock support, SEO tools etc.
If your web hosting company is providing all these facilities at affordable rates then you can choose the company as your partner and can start your new journey with fewer uncertainties.
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